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y/n pov:

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y/n pov:

I take a take breath, taking in my surroundings.  This was it, this was my home before it all went down, before Sirius Black went to Azkaban.  That's when I'm brought back to reality Sirius Black basically just kidnapped me.

I whip my wand out pointing it at the dirty looking man.

"What is it? What do you want from me?!" I demand.

He lets out a chuckle of amusement before making direct eye contact with me.

"You really think I'd hurt my own daughter?" He askes trying to sound amused but I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I- I don't know" I say now feeling foolish.

"I mean you did sell out your best friends to the dark lord and then kill 13 muggles so I wouldn't be surprised" I say with slight sarcasm and slight worry.

"Ahh yes, well you see that wasn't me" He says looking down at the ground now.

I slowly lower my wand "Go on" I say not taking my eyes off the man.

"This is going to sound insane, but it was Peter Pettigrew"

Before I can even open my mouth to say anything he continues explaining.

"I know you all think he's dead, but he isn't you see he's an animagus.  That rat that Ron is always carrying around it's Peter.  12 years of life is strangely long for a common old garden rat? don't you think?" He continues "and he's missing a toe".

"all they could find of Pettigrew was his-"

"finger" I finish his sentence.

Slowly it all starts to make sense in my brain.

"oh my Godric" I say slowly as everything starts clicking together.

"You see I'm innocent" Sirius says his head hanging low.

Within the same second those words escaped his lips I wrap my arms around him burying my head into his chest.

"Dad" I say with a small sob.

He says nothing but hugs me tightly as if I were his lifeline.

We stayed like that for what seemed like ages before he pulled away.

He grabbed my shoulders and knelt down so he was now eye level with me.

"I need your help"

"Anything just tell me and I'll do it" I say.

"I need you to get Harry into the shrieking shack, you see he's my godson and your godbrother"

"Done" I say.

With that, he gives me a small smile grabs my arm and we apparate in front of the whomping willow. I look around and I see Ron, Harry, and Hermione running up the stairs towards the castle towards Hagrid's hut. I make my way towards them when I see Hermione bury her head into Ron's chest and he wraps a comforting arm around her. I look down and see what happened. Buckbeak was dead.

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