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y/n pov:

There I sat in the great hall completely restless while everyone around me is fast asleep even the professors. I lay there for a few moments drowning in my own thoughts before a familiar voice pulls me out of my own world.

I turn around in my sleep bag to see a familiar red-headed boy looking straight at me.

"You can't sleep either?" he says a soft smile dancing upon his lips.

"Yeah, I'm just so worried about everything right now" I say a small sigh escaping my lips.

"Come with me" Fred says and with one swift moment he grabs my arm and pulls me up from my sleeping bag on the ground. We slowly tiptoe around the sleeping students on the floor making sure to avoid stepping on them while making as little noise as possible.

"Fred where are you taking me?" I ask slightly suspicious.

Fred seemed to ignore my question and continued walking dragging me behind him. He comes to a sudden stop in front of what seemed to be the same boring stone wall that is throughout the whole castle, that was before the wall started morphing into a door.

"Wha-" Fred cut me off before I could finish.

"This right here is the room of requirement otherwise known as the come and go room, me and Georgie found it last year while hiding from Filch" Fred explained rather proudly.

Before I could say anything he quickly opened the door and dragged me inside the room. The second I entered the room I was shocked it looked just like my dorm room only bigger with a bigger bed and more nicely decorated.

"How?" I asked in awe.

"The room equips itself with whatever the person who finds it needs the most, I guess you really need to sleep" He says chuckling slightly to himself.

I look at him and the sudden urge the hug overwhelms me I look at him and quickly wrap my arms around his torso, he quickly hugs me back tightly almost as if he never wanted to let go. I pull away looking down at the ground as I feel my face start to heat up.

"What was the for?" Fred askes his face just as red as mine was.

I just shrug my shoulders and make my way over to the bed.

"You coming?" I ask a smirk playing on my lips.

Fred looked taken back by my question but nonetheless happily made his way over. I slipped underneath the velvet red blanket and Fred did the same, I look up at him before I put my head on his chest, Fred started playing with my hair and that along with the sound of his heartbeat slowly helped me drift off into peaceful sleep.

Fred's pov:

The sight of her peacefully sleeping on my chest a smile on her face brought warmth to my heart. I slowly felt my eyes begin to get heavier and heavier.

"Goodnight y/n" I said even knowing she was asleep.

I placed a small kiss onto the side of her cheek and fell asleep with her in my arms.

y/n pov:

I woke up and Fred was still fast asleep, I smiled to myself as I realized I was in his arms and even sleeping he was holding onto to me like I was his lifeline.

"Freddie wake up" I say lightly shaking him

Fred's eyes begin the flutter open and he makes eye contact with me.

"Goodmorning love" he says a soft smile on his face.

I look at the time and realize that we slept through all of our classes expect my last one DADA.

"Oh my Merlin Fred it's almost 3 pm" I say slowing trailing off.

"Wait 3 pm! 3 pm oh my Godric" I say jumping out of bed.

I had about five minutes to get to my DADA class in time and I did not want to miss it.

"Where are you off to so fast" Fred says now sitting up.

"We slept through almost all our classes I say quickly pulling my robe on.

"I will see you later" I say giving him a quick smile before running down the hallway to get to my class.

"Correct Ms. Granger five points to Gryffindor" Professor Remus Lupin says.

"Ah Ms. Blac- I mean y/l/n how nice of you to join us finally" he says looking flustered.

I give him a confused look but then stand with my group of friends.

"Now if you would all line up and you may have the chance to face this boggart" He says clapping his hands and turning on the record player.

First up was Ron who's boggart turned into a spider.

"Riddikulus" Ron says pointing his wand at the giant spider who now was wearing rollerblades and rolling around everywhere.

"Excellent" Lupin said looking amused.

Next up was me I took a deep breath and stood in front of the boggart the boggart twisted and turned at first it appeared to be a strange snake-like looking man pointing his wand straight at me and Harry, but then it warped into something much worse it was a man who had curly messy hair being taken away in handcuffs by minister workers it then dawned on me who that man was, it was Sirius black.  Once again the boggart began shifting and in front of me stood a plain old mirror I looked into the mirror and there I was, it was just me.

"Riddikulus" I speak and the mirror shatters and falls to the ground.

Professor Lupin put the boggart back into the cabinet

"End of the lesson everyone pack up" He says then looks at me.

"You stay here I need to have a word with you" He says in a low tone.

I stay there waiting for everyone to leave.

"I asked you to stay because what happened today in class was very peculiar" He says looking at me.

"Do you know who that first man was when the boggart first changed?" He asked me raising his eyebrows.

"No" I say plainly

"Ah best keep it that way, but you should know not many people have had boggarts shift 3 times" He says concern dripping from his words.

"oh" I say awkwardly "May I leave now?" I say now feeling the tension build up in the room.

"yes" he says staring right at me now. "You look just like your father" he says a sad smile on his face.

"You knew my father?" I said curiosity overwhelming me.

"Yes him and I were the best of friends... Best not to dwell on the past you're free to go" He says turning away.

I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk out of class.

"What was that all about?" I think to myself.


Chapter 5! I hope you all like it!! in case you haven't noticed, I'm not following the storyline exactly to how it is as I want this to have it's own twist.

Remember you are loved!


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