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y/n pov:

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y/n pov:

Angelina, that literal rat must have slipped some sort of love potion to Fred.  It was the only reasonable explanation I could come up with.  I mean think about it she was constantly trying to get with Fred, she was always mad and jealous when Fred and I were together.  

It was all I could come up with to explain Fred's behavior and I prayed to Merlin that it was true, that he wasn't just being a git and he truly did like me; he was just under a love potion.

I quickly walk down into the common room looking for anyone of my friends really,  George would be the best person to talk to right now since he was always with Fred and I assume he would notice if Angelina tampered with his food or drink.

"George! George!" I call after the ginger boy who just entered the common room.

"I need to talk to you," I say pulling him away from the rest of the crowd.

I pull George into the corner of the common room where nobody was in order to avoid anyone listening in on our conversation.

"What's all this about?" George asks, his face full of concern.

"I think Angelina put Fred under a love potion"

George stood there for a couple of moments allowing what I had just said to sink in, I mean I didn't blame him I was accusing her of something quite extreme but it wasn't impossible.

"You know come to think of it Fred has been a bloody git to everyone except her lately, even me," George says finally breaking the silence.

"And now that you're mentioning it I did see her standing around his drink the other night"

Finally, it all made sense.  Fred wasn't being a jerk because he hated me.  He was being a jerk because Angelina was too ugly to get him without putting him under a love potion.

I give George a quick hug and thank him for his help before rushing out of the common room to find Fred.

I spot Fred walking out of the great hall and thank Merlin he was alone and wasn't with Angelina.

I quickly grab his arm and pull him into the same empty classroom Cedric pulled me into not long ago.

"y/n, what do you want?" Fred says not even looking me in the eye.

My heart broke a little in that moment; the boy who looked at me with hearts in his eyes wouldn't even make eye contact with me. 

"Fred, you need to snap out of it.  You're under a love potion" I say trying to ignore the fact that he treated me like I was garbage.

"No, I'm not y/n! you're such a bloody idi-"

The door to the classroom suddenly swung open and there stood Angelina.

"Well, well, well, what's going on here?" She says walking up to Fred and looping her arm with his.

"Angelina could you piss off for more than five minutes" I spit at her.

Angelina simply scoffs and then hands Fred a drink.

"Here you go love," She says, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

The drink let off a familiar smell, the smell of a wood-burning fire, gunpowder, and the faintest hint of cologne.

It smelt like Fred.

Then it hit me, that wasn't just any drink she was handing him.  She had mixed amortentia into it.

Fred took a couple of sips before I could say anything.  His eyes glossed over and he looked at me with a look of complete disgust.

"Y/n how about you piss off.  I'm finally happy just go"

I stood there for a moment letting the words he had just spoken truly sink in.  I understand he was under a love potion but it still hurt.

I wipe the tears that were threatening to escape my eyes away and look at them both with an emotionless stare.

"Well Fred in that case I'm going to go hang out with Cedric," I say clearing my throat.

Fred's eyes seemed to show a flash of sadness but it was quickly replaced by the same emotionless look he'd had since he'd been with Angelina.

I quickly turn on my heel before looking back one more time.

And of course, Fred and Angelina were bloody snogging.

I take a deep breath in and leave the room.

I walk out and begin looking for Cedric, I know, I know it's not the right thing to do but I'm not going to lie he was cute, and he liked me so what harm could it do. 

I enter the great hall and lay eyes on the brunette boy.  I make my way over to him and tap him on the shoulder.

"Cedric, come with me" I say grabbing his upper arm and pulling him up.

With no argument, Cedric gets up and follows me out into the courtyard.

"I just wanted to you know hang out," I say sitting down while patting the spot next to me on the bench.

Cedric sits down next to me and begins fidgeting with his hands.

"I mean I'm glad because there has been something I've been wanting to ask you,"  He says looking down at the ground.

"Well, what is it?" I say putting my hand on his.

He looks up at me hope filling his eyes.

"W-will you go to the Yule ball with me?"


That's chapter 18!! I'm so sorry it's so short, I haven't been feeling my best recently and I haven't been very motivated but I promised a new chapter so here it is!

Let me know what you think!!


You are loved! <3

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