Chapter 2⭐️

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So that we didn't have to haul Kakashi up the stairs with his dead weight, Shinji and I took one arm of his each and carried him with our shoulders, dragging him onto the bed on the spare room on the first floor.

It's been about twenty minutes since they've arrived to speak with me, and Kakashi has yet to wake up!

To pass time, Shinji and I have been catching up, making up for lost time in between all of our busy schedules.

"Shinji, why the hell did you join the leaf? How did that happen?!" Shinji sighs at me, running a hand through his long black hair.

"When you went to Kirigakure, I was traveling to the land of iron, and I actually met up with Kakashi. He was looking for me." Shinji starts off and I nod, urging him to continue.

"He told me that he spoke with Tsunade, and they both agreed that I should be given a second chance at life or whatever. I'm pretty sure it has to do with them feeling guilty over whatever happened with dad." He says.

"So they're offering you a place in the village after the war?" I ask, to which he nods. "Yeah the war is gonna be like a mini jail sentence you know? We have done....many illegal things, to say the least. Fighting in a war against the akatsuki is the least I could do!"

"I guess." I frown, glancing over to Katsuro to see that he's very much asleep in the arms of my brother. "Something on your mind?" Shinji asks, and I nearly laugh. There's wayy too much on my mind.

"Katsuro isn't going to be a baby forever. He's gonna need to go to school, meet other kids, and live a relatively normal life." I say. "How will he get to do that if I keep on living my life like this?" I wonder aloud, leaning back against the couch and rubbing my temples in order to soothe my incoming headache.

"And even if I wanted to go back to the village, I can't. Sasuke wants to destroy it." I blurted out much to Shinji's lack of surprise. "It's an Uchiha thing, I'm assuming." He sarcastically says.

"Do I stop him?" I question very genuinely, feeling conflicted by everyone's positions in this mess. Shinji shrugs

"I don't think you should be the one to do it." He admits, and I look at him weirdly. "What are you talking about?"

"I think you should leave all of that up to Naruto, he's the one shouldering the responsibility of what happens to Sasuke back at the village."

"But Shinji, Naruto and Sasuke would literally fight to the death! This isn't just me wanting my boyfriend to be okay anymore, this is me wanting the father of my child to be okay!"

Shinji listens on silently.

"And Naruto! If Sasuke ends up actually killing Naruto I wouldn't even know how to act, he can't die like that either! No way!" I exclaim

Shinji frowns at the worry etched in my features. "None of this is your fault, This all falls on Sasuke, he's the one pushing forward with this vendetta against the leaf no? No one wants to kill him but if they don't try then they're the ones getting killed!" He reasons.

When I don't respond, he only continues.

"Haru, the dude has literally gone insane. I don't know how he hasn't acted that way around you, but you're the only exception. Around everyone else from the leaf he's murderous! Not me though, we're kinda cool these days"-

"I told him that I don't want him to hurt the people we grew up with from the leaf and he didn't lash out at me or anything." I wonder aloud much to Shinji's dismay

"Well yeah! Again, YOU'RE LITERALLY THE ONLY PERSON HE TAKES SHIT FROM! He tried killing Sakura like what, twice? Kakashi? Naruto? He was going absolutely insane when you left, Kakashi told me all about it."

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