Chapter 20 ⭐️

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The war zone has managed to erupt in absolute chaos within mere minutes. Madara has now become the ten tailed jinchuriki, but how did it all begin?

Well, Haru suspects that everything took a turn for the worst while Naruto and Sasuke had gone away to help in the fight against Madara and figure out the god tree situation.

She had stayed behind with Obito, Minato, Kakashi, and her father. She didn't want to per se, however, Kakashi was quick to forbid her from engaging in combat with Madara once he found out about her recent actions against Obito.

He was concerned about her going into a fight with the powerful Uchiha while she was not at her full chakra capacity, and to be fair, she really wasn't.

She was lively enough to maintain her new sage mode form, but she was by no means ready to bust out large scale jutsu like she had been doing earlier.

So, there she was, standing alongside her sensei, her sensei's sensei, and her father.

She had foolishly believed for a moment that the war was nearing its end, already having dealt with the threat that was Obito. As she stood there, listening to Obito and Kakashi's heartfelt conversation, she felt an odd sense of peace, a feeling of finality if anything.

Defeating Obito and having him reunite with Kakashi in this way had Haru feeling like everything was headed in the right direction.

She was gravely mistaken, to say the least.

"Sensei, I feel a weird chakra coming from underground!" Kakashi looked to Haru sharply, taking in her concerned features. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she tried to recognize the external chakra looming within Obito's system, she knew it was familiar, but she just couldn't put a finger on who it was!

Her eyes snapped up in shock; she then tried to reach towards Obito and haul him towards her so that she could try and help him evade whatever the suspicious chakra underground was.

Somehow someway, between the genjutsu she cast where he reunited and Luna and a touching moment he had with Naruto, Obito had returned to his former senses and sided with the shinobi alliance as he laid there, defeated.

Because of this, Haru wasted no time in reaching out to him in an attempt to help him, but it was no use.

She recoiled in surprise before she could reach him when whatever mysterious chakra was beneath them started rising to the surface with a newfound speed.

Obito coughed out due to his internal struggles, obviously beginning to suffer because of the effects of his current state and the mysterious chakra from beneath the ground starting to affect him.

Minato, not having had the senses to identify exactly what was going on with Obito, assumed that whatever he was going through was due to the extractions of the tailed beasts. "Having the Tailed Beasts extracted from him means that Obito-"

"No lord fourth, I don't think that's the issue!" Haru exclaimed, her bright red eyes widening in worry when she began to feel this odd chakra take over parts of Obito's system slowly but surely.

At that point, trying to rip the odd new chakra away from him would have definitely killed him, what the hell was going on?!

As all of those questions ran through her mind, she gasped, startled by the sudden chakra presence which had finally arrived!

"Sensei! It's Zetsu!" Haru exclaimed before black Zetsu made his official appearance. An arm broke out of the ground and grabbed onto Obito's chest in an almost zombie-like manner.

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