Chapter 14 ⭐️

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"Okay! Team 7 is finally back! Haru, Sasuke, Sakura, let's do this !" Naruto exclaims.

"That sight sure brings back memories, doesn't it, Shikamaru?" Ino asks with a smile, glancing at the team behind her. Her eyes waver in between Sasuke and Haru sneakily, gasping lightly when she sees the two look at each other.

To be fair, it was the first time she's seen them interact since they were like....twelve....

"Well, if he's willing to help defeat the enemy, I won't turn him away. Even though I don't want to accept him." Shikamaru grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's been a long time since our class has been back together. I haven't felt like this since the Chunin exam!" Choji remarks, glancing back at team seven and sharing a thumbs up signal with Haru.

"I'm gonna become hokage! Hey, are you guys even listening?!" Kiba barks, looking around when he realizes that absolutely no one is paying him any mind.

"Kiba, no one's paying attention right now and it's pitiful. Stop it, it's because the impact of Sasuke's sudden appearance and his declaration to become hokage are much too great." Shino deadpans, adjusting his glasses accordingly. "Heh, Kiba, I heard you! We should all aspire to become hokage!" Hinata exclaims.

"As if I'd want that glorified office job." Haru mutters to herself, sweat dropping at Hinata's words of encouragement.

"Let's show them what we're made of!"

"Wait!" Hashirama declares, to which Naruto stumbles back in surprise.

"It's the ten tails again! Is that like a chakra hairball or something?" Haru asks, pointing at the giant red ball of what seems to be chakra growing out of the ten tails mouth. 

The red orb of overwhelming chakra only grows to an even greater size within seconds, and the very real threat of the barrier the four kage created breaking sinks in.

Haru takes a mini step backwards when the attack is launched, creating a massive explosion which completely dwarfs the battlefield. She looks up in awe as the barrier remains intact, and the explosive shoots upwards to release it's pressure.

"It held up!" Kiba cheers alongside the rest of teams 10 and 8, all the while team 7 looks on with smirks on their faces. "Where's the ten tails?" Ino suddenly asks, and Haru narrows her eyes as the smoke clears up, revealing the terrorizing beast.

Huh, looks like the ten tails dealt some damage to itself since the explosion was contained within the barrier!

"The previous hokage were truly amazing people!" Sakura praises, smiling in relief at the strength of the barrier they created.

"Yeah, looks like they weren't just all talk." Sasuke retorts much to Haru's unamusement.

Her eyes narrowed into slits, and she turned to Sasuke with her hands on her hips. "It took that for you to get that through your thick skull?" She sneers, much to the slight confusion of their other two team members.

Sasuke turns to her with an arched brow "Screaming in my face doesn't intimidate me, you should know that by now." He says flatly, knowing he's pushing her buttons but not stopping himself.

"Oh? I didn't know that today was 'lie and pick a fight with Haru' Day. Is this what you meant by 'it's your birthday I could do what I want?'" She asks, mocking his deeper voice at the end, letting him off easy from exposing his true words of kissing her all he wanted.

She's angry but she isn't that cruel.

He tilts his head at his girlfriend, figuring whether or not he should entertain her anger any further. "Course not." he relents, allowing her to fume silently as she faces forward once more.

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