Chapter 7 ⭐️

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--3rd person POV--

Haru groans as the sunlight shifts to a brighter tone, irking her sensitive skin to which she turns on her stomach and starts toying with the green blades of grass on the ground beneath her.

"Haha Sasuke! You've impressed me! You're Not as shitty as you look!" Yuudai smiles, placing a scarily strong hand on his daughter's boyfriend's shoulder. Sasuke stares at him stoically, Kami if it were anyone else Sasuke would have cut off his hand.

Yuudai smirks, already assuming what was going through the young Uchiha's head. "Well, not shitty in battle, at least. The attitude could use some work"

Haru sighs, resting her chin on her hand as she eyes the pair. "Dad leave him alone! Those eyes are new and if I see him strain them because of you I'll come for you myself!" Haru warns, pointing an accusatory finger at her father.

She was tired, to say the least. The two have been "Sparring" For at least an hour, leaving Haru to the side every time she tries to get involved! Literally both of them, Sasuke is just as into the fighting as Yuudai is.

The one time Sasuke picks someone over me in front of my face, and it's my dad?! She thinks to herself, sweat dropping at the realization.

Yuudai laughs loudly at her warnings, reaching up to adjust his ponytail as he subtly eyes Sasuke's state. Sasuke was hiding it pretty well, but Yuudai was far too perceptive for his antics.

He knew he managed to tire out the young Uchiha just a little, the both of them sparring with high level jutsu yet never really reaching their individual full potential. Yuudai was honestly holding back for Haru's sake despite approaching Sasuke with the initial intention of strangling him with his bare hands.

However, he knew the young Uchiha was holding back just as much, only using his brand new eyes if he had to. (Though Yuudai quickly figured out he only did that because Haru scowled at him every time he used his eyes for too long, despite knowing the eyes did him no harm anymore.)

"Was this the first time fighting with those eyes?" Yuudai questions. Sasuke nods, flashing them sparingly.

Yuudai arches his brow "The eternal Mangekyo" He murmurs glancing back at Haru who seems to be in her own little dreamland, creating flowers in the grass.

Perfect, now he can have that man to man talk fathers are supposed to have without her interrupting!

"That's kinda scary, what're you gonna use them for." Yuudai says in a teasing tone much to Sasuke's dismay.

After fighting Yuudai for hours, I've come to realize that this is just the kind of guy he is. He reminds me of Shinji. Sasuke thinks to himself, no longer feeling too annoyed by Yuudai's playful nature.

"My Mangekyo deteriorated my eyes from overuse and weakened them. I decided to take my brother's eyes to gain more power." Sasuke easily explains much of Yuudai's intrigue.

"Itachi huh?" Yuudai questions, and Sasuke looks at him sharply despite not saying much.

"He was a good kid. Always followed Luna and your mom around town." Yuudai recalls, remembering all of the times he would walk home to find a much younger Itachi sitting on the floor of Yuudai's living room.

The fond memories include Luna sitting on the couch behind him and brushing through his hair as Mikoto took it upon herself to make tea at the kitchen. And Kushina always took it upon herself to greet Yuudai with a swift punch to the arm, In his own house!

"I can't say the same for you." Yuudai snorts.

Sasuke arches a brow "You were dead when I was younger."

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