Chapter 30 ⭐️

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Cute gif of Haru's baby daddy 😌 LMFAO no real talk though this is what Sasuke looks like around this time if you wanted a reference! I hope you enjoy this chap! ❤️


Would she have white hair? Would she have dark hair? Would she have Haru's eyes? Maybe Sasuke's smile?

Would she like picking up her hair in dutch braids like Haru did when she was little? Or would she rather have it cut short?

What would her favorite color be? Would they go do manicures together while Sasuke was out on missions?

"Haru? Hellooo?" Sakura asks, waving a hand in front of Haru's face as the two girls stand outside of the restaurant. Haru blinks in shock, glancing between the door of the establishment and Sakura.

"Oh shit, I was dazed out," Haru admits, ruffling her hair sheepishly. Sakura furrows her eyebrows in worry as Haru massages the temples of her forehead.

She had been daydreaming like that all day since she got out of the clinic, only ever really paying attention to the real world when she was at the cafe with Sakura and when they were getting ready back at her house for the most part.

Sakura had noticed, but she couldn't imagine what on earth could've possibly had Haru so starstruck and dazed!

The idea of having a little girl, knowing that it was now a possibility, was what had Haru acting this way. She loved her two sons, she really really did!

However, she just feels like a little girl would complete their already perfect little family!

Plus, the thought of having a daughter with big doll-like eyes that resembled Sasuke was simply too cute not to dream about!

"You okay? You've been acting a little weird." Sakura wonders, placing a hand on Haru's shoulder. Haru laughs sheepishly, shaking her hand to alieve Sakura's worries.

"Don't worry about me! I've just had a lot on my mind." She murmurs, fixing herself up once more before glancing back at the restaurant entrance.

"Oh yeah, what were we talking about again?" Haru deadpans, looking back down at Sakura.

"You were telling me to punch Shinji."

"Right! Oh c'mon you punched Naruto for free all the time! I don't see why punching Shinji would be so difficult," Haru exclaims with a whine, mockingly pulling up her fists in a punching pose. "Bam! Right on the nose, he'll never treat you like shit again."

"I don't think he'd treat me at all!"

"That too,"

Sakura anime falls as Haru remains standing and very serious. Was Sakura not taking her seriously?! She really meant it when she told Sakura to beat the shit outta him!

"I don't know I just get nervous around him," Sakura says sheepishly as she gets up, scratching the back of her neck as she confides in the taller Senju. Haru's eyebrows furrow, admittedly a bit disgusted knowing that someone genuinely liked her brother (Like ew! What is there to like?)

This was not the Sakura Haru knew. Not at all! Sakura was much more driven and assertive than this, hell, the Sakura Haru knew was wayyy ballsier than this!

(Haru will never forget the way Sakura slapped her when she found out about Sasuke, a weird part of her felt some ounce of respect since Sakura knew that Haru was far more powerful than she was at that point, but the larger part of Haru was more blinded by rage)

To see how shy and reserved Sakura had become in regards to Shinji was only a testament to how badly she needed to get out of this relationship!

Haru understood acting differently with your partner, Haru alone with Sasuke was very different to Haru with everyone else, but to this degree?!

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