Chapter 21 ⭐️

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Never in my life did I think I'd receive SakuraxHaru fanart but I love it LMFAO❤️ the reader who submitted it said and I quote: "They've had sus moments since book one." LMFAOOO I can't 😭❤️ the story line in this art tho? 👀 kinda spicy idk lmk what you guys think LOL


"The six puncture wounds are already semi healed from your own regeneration abilities, that's amazing!" Tsunade mutters more so to herself than anyone else as she kneels beside Haru and places two hands over her bare stomach.

A green glow emits from her hands and Haru sighs in relief at the sensation of her chakra returning to her.

"I feel like I rely on it too much though." Haru mindlessly says, closing her eyes as she allows herself to be healed by the Hokage.

"I'm glad you're here." Tsunade abruptly says, to which Haru peeks one eye open.

"I didn't think you'd arrive on time, Kakashi was in a rush as he reported back to me, and by the time I found out you were siding with us I had to cut him off short and return to the other Kage," Tsunade admits.

Haru hums in reply, understanding how high stakes the situation must've been back then as well as now.

Then her eyes snap open. If Tsunade didn't get to hear everything Kakashi had to say, that means she doesn't know about Katsuro huh?

Haru makes the easy decision of not mentioning Katsuro for now, she couldn't risk getting her ass handed to her by Tsunade.

Not because of anything serious really, but Tsunade's punches always managed to knock Haru's soul out of her so she'd rather not deal with it at a time like this!

"Madara did a number on you too huh Tsuna? I wish I could've been more of a help." Haru admits, now noticing how scuffed up Tsunade looks as well.

"You've done more than enough, anyone else would be dead with the amount of chakra that you've used up," Tsunade says encouragingly.

Haru smiles softly at the praise before sighing and closing her eyes.

"Fighting Madara was so weird, he told me 'this won't kill you' then stabbed me and dipped. Why didn't he kill me?" Haru asks herself out loud, and Tsunade listens on curiously.

"That is weird, when he was fighting against us five Kage he left us for dead too, if it weren't for Orochimaru healing me we'd be goners," Tsunade admits.

Haru arches a brow. "Orochimaru huh? I can't believe he's back, I thought Sasuke for sure killed him." She says.

The dude is literally a roach, never dies!

Now on the topic of Sasuke, Tsunade turns to Haru to gauge her expression as she continues healing her. "So you and Sasuke huh? Care to tell me how that became a thing?" Tsunade asks genuinely curious.

"Well I dunno, it just kinda happened. I was fourteen and so was he so it was like a year or two into my training at the tundra. But we were close for years before that." Haru mumbles on.

"It was never really....official....but then again it's Sasuke so I wouldn't expect him to be all lovey-dovey or whatever."

"Does he treat you right?"

"We've had our moments but he does. He just always does what he wants to do and never considers my thoughts! I hate it sometimes but I know he loves me."

"So he's stubborn like you? That's comforting to hear." Tsunade snorts sarcastically as she moves to concentrate her healing on another part of Haru's abdomen.

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