Chapter 22 ⭐️

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The way that this is the one of the coolest art pieces I've ever seen omg tysm!! Totally in tune w this chap! ❤️ Also! This is a bit of a shorter chap 2.5k words or around there, but I rlly wanted this content out so we could get to the good stuff coming up! Tysm for reading I hope u enjoy!❤️❤️


Haru was inexplicably lost. She couldn't tell whether she was locked in some crazy strong genjutsu or if she had managed to transport to some strange desert.

She felt her hair flow behind her with the soft gusts of wind, and it would've been nice if it weren't for HOW CONFUSED SHE WAS!

Okay, she had to retrace her steps. How did this happen?

How did she go from standing alongside Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi to suddenly arrive in this strange place alone?!

She lets herself sit down and lean on her hands as she looks up at the sky and starts thinking, how exactly did this all go down again?

--Haru's memories--

One of the last moments Haru remembered before arriving at this lucrative desert had to be right after this strange woman, Kaguya, deflected Naruto and Sasuke's attacks.

When Haru saw how Kaguya managed to toss the two aside like rag dolls she just knew they were all in for some trouble!

At that point, they were still in Konoha, and it was only moments after Kaguya's appearance that everything took a turn for the worst.

Haru honestly hadn't expected to be targeted, she was standing right beside Sakura as she watched the fight go on.

And as a former member of team seven, Haru only knew one thing to be true.

Near Sakura? No trouble.

It was usually Sasuke and Naruto who took the brunt of attacks by villains for some reason, and Haru really didn't expect Kaguya to come straight her way.

That never happened!

She fully acknowledged that she probably couldn't handle someone with a chakra as absolutely massive as Kaguya's, she feared that getting involved would hinder their victory instead of ensuring it!

Sasuke and Naruto had used various attacks, Sasuke with his lightning style and Naruto with his wind style, but it was no use. Kaguya used a jutsu infused with her own hair to attack them, and to say that Haru was bewildered was an understatement.

So she remained by Sakura's side, biting her lip in concern as she eyed Sasuke and Naruto get up from the rubble.

"Sasuke! Naruto!" Sakura called out in worry, watching as her two teammates slowly recover from taking the nasty fall via Kaguya's attack.

Just as Sakura was caught up with those two, it was then that Haru felt a cold shiver run down her back. If her intuition served her right, then that'd mean someone had their eyes locked straight on her!

She turned to face forward rather slowly and tensed up at the sight of Kaguya standing (well, floating) In front of her. Her presence was absolutely mesmerizing and terrifying all at once!

Haru felt frigid, her back completely straightened and her eyes narrowed into slits. She doesn't know what the odd woman had in store for her, but by the look on her stoic face, Haru didn't like whatever it was.

It wasn't like Kaguya took the time in looking at Sakura or Kakashi, as soon as she reached Haru's place, she stopped to look at her!

Sakura gasped as Kaguya passed by her side slowly, watching as she stopped directly in front of Haru and began staring at her.

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