Princess Of Night (ch 1)

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The moon was partly shrouded by a black cloud. I shivered - not because I was cold but because it was so eerie. I looked round nervously and zipped my jacket up. Who knew what type of creatures were out at this time of night? I glanced at my watch which read 10 minutes past midnight. I was so late my parents would surely ground me for a month!

I walked down the country road looking at the hedgerows on either side which loomed above me. I was about half an hour from home now. My feet crunched on the gravel noisily. They were the only sounds that could be heard in the darkness. Up above me an owl hooted and I jumped in fright. I mentally slapped myself for being such a wip. I was just imagining things: after all what's the worst that could happen? Most crimes happened in the city so I didn't think there would be much chance of me being attacked.

The wind howled, whipping my hair around my face. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and tucked it into the collar of my jacket. CRUNCH. I stopped. That sound definitely hadn't come from me. I was probably just imagining things AGAIN...

I continued on, squinting my eyes in the darkness. CRUNCH. There it was again. CRUNCH. OK, I definitely wasn't imagining things, I thought. I began to quicken my pace, my heart pounding so loudly in my chest. CRUNCH. CRUNCH. I began to sprint. Someone was chasing me! I panicked. I could hardly run in my heeled boots and already I was starting to get a stitch in my side. I am so UNFIT, I thought. I was the best target for a killer.

CRUNCH. CRUNCH. CRUNCH. Suddenly I could hear the stranger behind me. I felt hands wrap around my waist and I screamed and kicked as I was lifted off the ground. I really was going to be killed, I thought. I twisted my head around to see my killer and a stony glare met my eyes. It was a guy and he was about my age. I screamed and he placed a hand over my mouth. I continued to shout even though only a muffled sound could be heard.

I struggled as I was carried into a black car and shoved into the backseat. The guy closed the doors and I pounded on the windows and pulled at the handles, but the doors were locked. I couldn't get out. I watched as the guy climbed into the front seat and turned on the ignition. The engine growled to life. There was another way I could get out - through the front. I lunged forward into the front but slammed right into his arm which had quickly blocked my way. My neck had been hurt so I leaned back, my head resting on the back of my seat. Oh my God, what am I going to do>

I'm going to die! The car weaved through the bends in the country roads at an off limit speed. Surely this guy was going to crash. Since I had nothing to do I began to study him in the rear view mirror. He was very handsome, he had intense blue eyes and high cheekbones that would have looked weird on any other guy; but made him look gorgeous. At least, I thought, a horrible ugly person wasn't kidnapping me...

After about half an hour driving the car stopped outside a field. "Get out." I jumped when I saw the guy standing in front of my door. How did he move so quickly and how? I opened the door and got out. We were standing in an isolated part of the countryside. The green fields went on for as far as I could see. But in the distance, I could make out a small cottage on the side of one field, buried in a copse of trees.

The guy took me roughly by the wrist, almost crushing my bones in on themselves.

"Own!" I yelped. "No need to be so rough."

He stared at me and loosened his grip on my wrist. The grass of the field was dewy so before long my boots were soaking and muddy.

The guy came to the gate and stopped. "Jump over," he said in a silky smooth voice.

I climbed over the gates and onto the other side. As he was climbing over I took the chance to escape.

I began to run as fast as I could. My heart pounded loudly. I gasped for breath as I continued sprinting down the road. I heard the guy yelling. I ignored him. In the distance I could see a tractor slowly moving in one of the fields. The monotonous hum of the engine was like music to my ears. "Help! Help me! Help m--"

I tripped over something (a foot?) and went flying. I screamed and put my hands out in front of me automatically. The ground came towards me and I scrunched my eyes, waiting for impact.

But there was none. I fell into someone's arms and opened my eyes. My heart sank as I looked into the blue eyes of my kidnapper. He couldn't be older than 17, I thought.

He put me upright and gripped my shoulders. "Don't run." He looked me in the eyes and I tried to stare him out but it was impossible.

He led me to the gate and further down a small lane shaded by tall evergreens. It was so beautiful here. We walked through the gates of the cottage I had seen earlier.

It was bigger than I had thought. The whitewashed walls suited the thatched roof perfectly. The guy unlocked the door and pushed me inside.

The inside was different than the outside. It was modern and mostly white apart from the living room which was colour co-ordinated in the colour red. It was a very open plan house.

He took me by the wrist and up a large staircase carpeted in white.

He was about to continue when the front door clicked open. We both looked back at the figure standing in the doorway. "Neil!" the guy said.

Neil closed the door and my eyes widened. He was equally as handsome as my kidnapper. He had bronze coloured hair brushed into a quiff and bright green eyes. He smiled and showed perfect white teeth.

"Gareth," he nodded. "I see you've got one. A very pretty one too, may I add."

I felt my cheeks burning up at this and mentally slapped myself. Why am I behaving like an idiot? I thought.

Neil climbed the stairs and whispered something in Gareth's ear. I stood awkwardly on the step, my hands shaking.

What were they talking about? Gareth shrugged and walked down the stairs, disappearing into the living room. "Follow me," Neil said. I obediently followed him into a small lilac coloured bedroom.

"You'll be staying here," he said.

"Staying?" I squeaked.

"Well, what do you expect?"

"I've never been kidnapped before so I don't know what to expect!" I snapped.

Neil didn't say anything. I went into the room and sat down on the bed. It was as hard as a brick. Neil walked out and closed the door. I sighed as I heard the key being turned, locking me inside.

I folded my legs and sat on the bed. It was starting to get dark, I thought, as I looked out of the window. I wondered what my parents were doing. Probably worrying sick about me. This was my fault. If I hadn't have walked home or walked with a friends, this probably wouldn't have happened.

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