Chapter 31: Soggy Biscuit

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Tord woke up the next morning, sun shining through the window onto his face, Tord smelt bacon and pancakes, he got up out of his bed and walked into the kitchen seeing Paul cooking in the kitchen with Patryck.

"Goodmorning, Tord!" Patryck said as he saw Tord approach. Tord walked up next to Patryck and sat down.

"How did you sleep?" Paul asked. Tord didn't recall anything of the night prior until questioned.

"I slept alright, how about you two?" Tord questioned. Paul and Patryck said they slept alright before Paul went back to cooking.

"How soon would you want to get out of here?" Patryck asked.

"Preferably sooner than later. I really hate this apartment, I associate it with all the horrible things Tom has done. Also it's probably not safe for me to be here."

"I assume you don't want to talk about it." Paul said before Patryck could push any further.

"Honestly, not really." Tord responded. Paul approached the two of them placing a breakfast plate down in front of the two of them.

"If you want to go house searching later today, Patryck and I can go searching with you." Tord took a bite of his crispy bacon.

"That would be great." He said with a partly full mouth.

"Great. Once we are done eating we can go look."

After a nice meal with his family, Tord pulled up his laptop and started searching for houses in his area, He saw many apartments for lease, along with a few smaller homes. After searching for a bit, he saw a very familiar house. Tord read out the address and recognized it almost instantly.

"This is the house I lived in with everyone-" Tord tried to explain to his parents.

"When I first graduated college, remember?" Tord explained more. Patryck turned the laptop to face him and recognized the house as the one Tord stayed in with Matt, Edd, and last and certainly least, Tom. Paul looked at the house for a minute.

"This is really cheap for what it is-" He responded. Tord turned back to look at the laptop and looked at the page some more looking for some sort of reason as to why the house was so cheap. There was no immediate indicator as to why, so he decided he wanted to check out the house in person.

"I think I want to check it out-" Tord stated.

"You want to go now?" Patryck asked,

"I don't think they have tours right now."

"That doesn't matter. We can look anyway." Paul said. "Tours are for cowards, we will just break in." Paul smirked. Tord smiled and complied to go break into a house with his parents.

"Ok let's go." Paul rushed. Patryck and Tord went with Paul into the car, putting the address into the GPS system and driving there. They arrived at Tord's old house, all the lights were off but no cars were in the driveway. Just a large white 'for sale sign'.

"Let's go in," Paul said, leading the way into the house. Paul slid up the window and crawled in, helping Patryck in first, then Tord. The house was dark and empty, But Tord knew the layout by heart. It felt uncanny due to the emptiness and memories flooding back.

"We used to play soggy biscuit here." Tord said looking at the place their couch used to be.

"Ah teenagers." Patryck said.

"Matt was usually the one to lose and he would always cry."

They continued to explore the house,

"This was my old room." Tord said, walking into the second biggest room in the house. They left the room and went up to the attic area,

"This was the game room." Tord said, showing off the dusty old room.

"What's that in the corner?" Patryck asked. Tord looked confused, then turned to where Patryck gestured.

"Looks like something they forgot to take out of the house." The three of them approached the box and looked down at it. It was filled with old photos and knick-knacks. Tord picked up some of the images, seeing pictures of himself and his old friends. "Huh i guess Edd is the one selling the house-" Tord assumed, guessing that Edd hasn't moved this box yet. Tord went through different images, reminding him of all the good times he had just a few years prior. He was unsure of how his life could go down hill so quick and so little time.

"Tord, What the fuck was Edd into?" Paul questioned pulling out an old dusty magazine. Tord looked at the magazine his Dad held in his hand, seeing a picture of an anthropomorphic fox with her tits and pussy out.

"Uh... I'm not sure." Tord stunned, from learning something new about his old friend.

"Tord, is this cum?" Patryck asked, pulling out another small jar, filled with semen. "I- I don't know. You guys are asking me stuff like I would fucking know-" Paul laughted.

"You lived with him for a year."

"Yeah I didn't know Edd jerked off to furry porn." Tord said defensively. Before the family could continue their conversation, they heard a car pulling up in the driveway. They looked out the window to see a SUV in the front. They saw a man with a green hoodie leave the car.

"We, Should probably get going." Paul said.

Tord agreed and the three of them all got up to leave. As they worked their way down the stairs as a desperate attempt to escape before getting caught, the front door was already open and Edd was there.


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