Chapter 49: strange, isn't it?

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Yanny continued signing various people's belongings, and complementing their cosplays.

"TORD YOU MAKE MY DAY" One of the girls said while crying with joy.

"Glad I could." Yanny replied.

**Why are we still here? You know I haven't been on air in years.**

Yanny didn't reply, There was one cosplay that caught her eye, it was a child in a highly realistic metal sonic outfit, the kid approached the panel and looked up at Tord.

"Hello, What's your name?"

"... - .-. .- -. --. ." Yanny was taken back by the fluent morse code, but Tord helped her make it out.

**S.. T... R... ANGE.**

Tord listed out the letters of what the child had announced

"Stange?" The metal sonic nodded his head.

"-.-- --- ..- / ..- -. -.. . .-. ... - .- -. -.. / -- . ..--.." Tord rapidly started trying to decode the wording, but Yanny had Tord's knowledge of morse code as well and was able to decode it first.

"Yeah, I understand you." Yanny agreed. "Are you looking for someone?" Yanny started to notice that the child had no parents or anyone else with him. The child continued to beep out more morse code. It was a lot so Yanny and Tord had to mentally work together to figure out what metal sonic was saying.

"You're not an actual kid?" Metal sonic nodded before pointing to a small panel on his head.

"You're... a robot?" Strange nodded. Yanny was a bit weirded out at first but quickly grew accustomed to Strange.

"You also needed a place to go? You're on the run from your creator?" Strange nodded again. Yanny walked out from around the panel table and over to a metal sonic clone.

"Here, follow me." Yanny reached out her hand and Strange reluctantly grabbed it back. Yanny's opinions on Strange were much different than other people she had met, she was growing attached to Strange at a very rapid pace. Yanny showed Strange to a more closed off corner of the con and kneeled down.

"Can you tell me more about Joe apa?"

Tord lurched at the name. It was one of the words he hadn't immediately picked up on during Strange's code. Tord knew he didn't have to say anything to Yanny, as she already had access to all of his Joe apa memories. Strange beeped out more code as Yanny intently listened.

"Why did you run away?" Yanny questioned. Strange remained quiet this time.

"You don't have to talk about it." Yanny added. She thought for a moment,

"You said you needed a place to stay, right?" Strange's eyes lit up with excitement before beeping again.

"You can stay with me if you like, I already have another person in my house but I'm sure you won't mind him."

**Another roommate, are you sure?**

Strange beeped with joy and hugged Yanny.

Yeah. I'm sure.

After Strange finished hugging Tord, Yanny stood up. "Ok. We can get going now," Strange nodded and followed behind Yanny-Tord. Yanny made her way through the rest of the convention leading Strange the whole way, she got near the exit and heard shouting from behind her.

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