Chapter 34: Napooleon Bonerfarte

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Tord quickly stood up and shot back.

"OH GOD" Napoleon screamed. Napoleon then reached into his pocket and pulled out yet another knife. Stabbing the man back.

"I DIDN'T GO INTO A REDDIT WAR ZONE TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS." The other man yelped as the dull butter knife went into his gut. Before long, a full on war had started throughout the waiting room. Grandmas stabbing one another with knitting needles and even someone bashing a chair over another person's head.

I need to get the fuck out of here-

Before Tord knew it, The man who had stabbed napoleon had stabbed his gut, a surge of pain shooting through his body.

"GOD DAMN IT-" Tord yelled. Before more chaos could happen, a Nurse came out into the main room blowing a small silver whistle. Causing all the old people to wince in pain and cover their ears. Tord didn't hear a thing so he took it as a chance to escape. Tord felt blood staining the inside of his hoodie and looked down to see a small hole in his hoodie. He went to his car and just put old fast food napkins over the bloody battle scar.

Tord started to drive back to his house. Once he was home, it was already completely dark out. He made his way into his new bedroom and shut his eyes. By the time it was morning again, Tord had absolutely nothing to do. He had no one to keep him company, But he preferred this over having Tom around. The thought of Tom reminded him of the reason he moved in the first place.

Where is Tom anyways?

Tord wondered this more out of fear than curiosity. But he decided not to go looking for Tom. Tord wandered around his new home, desperately trying to think of something to do. After lots of time of thinking he got a notification from his phone.

God what now

Tord looked at his phone to see it was from the nursing home he had visited the previous night. He scanned over the message but got the idea that they wanted him to come over to get Margaret's belongings. Tord sighed and got his things and went out to his car to make the long drive once again. Once he had arrived back at the all white nursing home, he saw the same waiting room with the same people he had seen the first time. Tord made his way back into Ol' Thatcher's room seeing just an empty room with a few boxes in the corners. Tord went to pick up one of the boxes and took it outside of the room. Out of Tord's own curiosity when walking through the main room he looked over to see where Napoleon was the first time Tord had gone there. He saw the same man from before sitting playing bingo all by himself once again. Tord continued walking out to his car and put the first box into his car. Once he made his way back into the building he went over to Napoleon and took a seat by him.

"Hey Napoleon." He said.

"W-Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"I'm Tord. From yesterday?"

"Oh yeah sorry I have dementia."

"Do you have any family that visits you?" Tord asked Napoleon.

"No... My son put me in here and he hasn't visited me since." Tord felt as if he may regret the proposal he was about to make.

"Do you like it here?"

"No I fucking hate it here. They took away my penis sword."

"Do you want to leave?"

"Please god I hate it here take me out of this hell." Tord thought for a moment before finally offering Napoleon to be his roommate in his new house.

"I would if I could. The only way I can leave this place is if my son lets me out."

"Don't even worry about that, I'll get you out of here, what room is yours?"

"257." Napoleon replied, unsure of what Tord was gonna do. Tord got up and left the entry room, making his way to Napoleon's room. He looked across the bare room and saw a few bins filled with what Tord assumed to be Napoleon's belongings. Tord picked up the very few bins he saw and took them out to his car. He went back inside and up to Napoleon.

"Here, go out to my car. It's the 2005 Honda civic. Get on the passengers side. I'll be out in a minute." Napoleon being without his meds decided to listen to Tord and made his way out to Tord's car getting inside and situated. Tord went back into the building going to collect the rest of Margaret's things, as soon as he entered the room the energy felt heavy and dense as if something was wrong. He tried to ignore it and go pick up another box but before he knew it he was passed out cold on the tile floor.

Tomtord; When you see it you'll shit bricks: Act 2Where stories live. Discover now