Chapter 40: Dumplings 3

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Yanny buckled up in the car. "Ok, where to next?"


"Yes." Yanny had little to no shame, hell had desensitized her to the calmness of earth. Yanny sped down the road looking for a new place to turn into.

"There! We're going there." Calling out serving into the parking lot that housed a Home depot.

**Oh god what now-**

"Mind your fucking business." Yanny parked over multiple parking spots before getting out of the car. She made her way past the plants lining the entrance. She walked into the home depot ignoring the greeter. She eventually found herself in various isles scanning up and down.

"I see you've made machines in the past..." Yanny said to Tord. "You have quite the talent for it- Why didn't you actually put it to use?"

**I never really got around to it- Once I moved out with Tom I just got caught up with him.**

"What a waste of time. Lucky for me, now that I have your knowledge I have the ability to use your talent now. Are you starting to understand why we're here now?"

**What are you going to make-**

"That's a surprise for later." Yanny was picking seemingly random plates of metal and tools. Yanny made her way to the check-out.

"That will be 40 pounds." The cashier asked, Yanny pulled 40 pounds out of Tord's wallet and paid.

"Thank you!" Yanny walked away, and slowly headed back for the car.

**Please tell me what you're going to make**

"No." Yanny started to drive away and back to Tord's home. Tord was quiet for the rest of the ride before Yanny pulled into the driveway checking the clock on the car.

"It's about dinner time." She announced carrying the stuff from Home depot into the house. Yanny walked in to see Napoleon staring at a wall.

"Hey- Whatcha doin' nate?" Yanny asked.

"Huh? Who's there?" Yanny didn't bother to carry on a conversation. Yanny put her stuff on the floor. Yanny walked over to the fridge realizing there was nothing to eat.

"Tord, What the fuck is wrong with you? WHY IS THERE NO FOOD." Yanny was enraged, due to experiencing real hunger for the first time in two years.

**I just moved in calm down-**

"Fuck you. I fucking hate you." Yanny was outraged. "Guess we're going back to the store."

"Can I go with you?" Napoleon asked.

"Yeah sure. Hurry up." Yanny agreed. Yanny went back out to the car. Then getting into the driver's seat, Yanny put on her seat belt and started the car. She started to reverse out of the driveway as she saw Napoleon approaching.

"Tord wait for me-" Yanny continued reversing the car.

"Tord Please-" Yanny slammed on the breaks, making the car stop. Napoleon approached the car trying to get in, but yanny moved away again.

"TORD." Napoleon, desperate to enter the car yelled out.

"U mad?" Yanny asked, in reference to the 2011 meme. Napoleon eventually made his way into the car. Napoleon looked out the window as Yanny sped to the grocery store.

"Are we there yet?" Napoleon asked as Yanny ran past a stop sign and a red light.

"I don't think we are." Yanny replied, still speeding. She swerved into the parking lot crashing into someone else's parked car.

"Oh no Oh god." Napoleon said as the other car was indented with the front of the honda civic.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." Yanny tried to reassure, getting out of the car.

"Let's go. We got shit to buy." Yanny said, driven by hunger. She made her way into the supermarket, leaving the car crashed into the other. She went into the store and saw the bakery area. She gazed upon the various baked goods behind the glass door that stopped her from accessing them. She spotted a certain one, and opened said door to grab it. Before shoving it into her mouth.

**Yanny- you need to pay for that**

Yanny grinned, "I don't think I do I think." Yanny unhinged her jaw and engulfed the entire donut.

"Ok. Time to get dinner stuff." Yanny made her way through the store eventually getting to the Asian food aisle.

"Hmm. Today I want dumplings."


"What? Afraid I'm going to shit in them?" Yanny smiled and started to grab the necessary ingredients. She finished up grabbing everything and got to the check-out

"40 pounds." The cashier announced. Yanny went into Tord's wallet and gave the cashier exactly 40. The cashier proceeded to bag everything up. Yanny made her way back out into the parking lot looking through Tord's phone.

"You got some weird shit on here." Yanny continued to thumb through the various apps and photos.


"Shut the fuck up-" Yanny tried to disreguard Tord but before she knew it she had bumped into someone. She looked around her and saw the figure was glancing at his wrecked car, The figure turned to Yanny.

"Tord?" The looked up to make eye-contact with the person standing before her.

"Tom." She said out loud.

"You tried to kill me." He said in response trying now to approach her. Before she could do much in response he had picked her up by the collar of her shirt. Yanny had to think on her feet to escape the situation. She proceeded to knee him in his orbs of glory which promptly made her drop to the ground free from his grasp, She took the groceries and ran to the honda. She threw the groceries in the back seat and went to buckle up.

"Hey Tord."

"JESUS CHRIST." Yanny yelled, seeing Napoleon to her side coated in what she assumed was blood. Yanny saw Tom standing back up to his feet so he decided to start pulling out, as she was trying to calm down she was able to ask.

"Nate- Why are you covered in blood?"

"Covered in what?"

"Know what- nevermind." Yanny didn't care enough to try to get it out of him.

Tomtord; When you see it you'll shit bricks: Act 2Where stories live. Discover now