Chapter 41: supper time (:

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Yanny and Napoleon arrived back at Tord's house.
"Tord. What's for dinner?"
"Dumplings." Tord mentally gagged at that word.
**You know how i feel about dumplings-**
"Yes, and I don't care." Yanny went into the kitchen and started to cook. The smell of chicken dumplings filled the house, Tord wished he could escape the situation. Yanny was acutely aware of Tord's feelings on the situation and decided to inhale the smell more as a fuck-you to him. The smell invaded Tord's mind and he continued to mentally gag.
"Is dinner ready?" Yanny exhaled, annoyed.
"I think you'll know when dinner is done, Nate." Yanny went back to looking, not even a full ten seconds later Napoleon asked again.
"Is it done now?"
"... How about now?" Yanny decided to ignore him. She finished up looking and served herself a plate with eight dumplings on hers, and Napoleon only received two.
"M-May I have more?"
"No. Nate. Unlike you, I'm feeding for two."
"Are you pregnant?" Yanny thought for a moment.
"Yes." Yanny started to walk away from the kitchen and back into Tord's room, and finished up eating before placing the plate on the ground below the bed.
"There's a lot we need to get done tomorrow, We need to go to the library and research more about possession." For once, Tord actually agreed with Yanny.
**Yes- Please.**
"Ok well, glad we agree. Now we need sleep, and if we are going to get any you are going to need to be completely silent or we will both suffer." Tord tried to nod his head but remembered he no longer had control of that.
"Goodnight, Tord."
**Goodnight, Yanny.**

Tomtord; When you see it you'll shit bricks: Act 2Where stories live. Discover now