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Tord looked across the vast empty space that was his new house. He started to unpack the heavier stuff first, Like his bed, couch, dining table etc. A few hours later he had most things moved in, At the very least, he had his room completely set up. It was where Edd's room used to be, the master bedroom. Tord's room was filled with various posters and a desk. But all of his clothes were in boxes still. He laid back on his bed happy with the amount of work he had gotten done. His phone started to buzz, It was a text from Patryck.

Hey are you able to drive into the city right now?

Tord was confused by the text.

Yeah, Why?

He replied back.

Your aunt Margaret, she's pretty sick.

No one in the family really liked Margaret, But Tord still felt it necessary to go pay his respects and visit her. He started to lean up on his bed before receiving another text.

You might want to drive quick

Tord grabbed his phone and went out to his car. Starting it, and making his way into the big city. The lights from the bigger city flooded his vision. The sun was going down on the vast cityscape as Tord grew closer and closer to the old folks home. Tord arrived in the parking lot to see Paul leaned up against his car smoking a cigar.

"Your father and aunt are in there." Paul gestured to the nursing home. Tord walked past Paul ending up in the old folks home, the eggshell white walls and tile reeked of strawberry candies and cologne that was too strong. Tord looked across the sea of death before a nurse approached him.

"Hello sir, are you looking for someone?"

"Yeah, Margret? Margret Thatcher?"

"Are you part of her family?"

"Yes, I'm her nephew, my dad is already in there." The nurse started leading Tord to the back of the old folks home and to her room, room 241. Tord entered the room to see Patryck by her side

"Tord?" She asked as she saw him enter the room.

"Hi auntie." He said in a comforting tone slowly approaching her side.

"I think I'm going to die here. And it's all of you fuckers fault for putting me here-" her ramblings were cut off by a cough. Tord, annoyed by her, didn't say anything, nor did Patryck.

"Tord you were always my favorite." Margaret said. Tord, now paying attention to the possibility of inheritance, started listening.

"You can have 40 pounds." She turned to him and smiled.

"And Patryck, my brother. You get nothing. Fuck you." These were Margaret's last words as the flat line rang out throughout the room. Patryck and Tord just looked at each other before silently getting up.

"I'll go tell a nurse." Patryck said, hurrying a bit quicker out of the room. Tord slowly left the room, shutting the door behind him. He made his way into the main room with older people. He scanned the room, seeing older women knitting sweaters and old men playing go fish. But one man stood out to him. Tord looked to a nurse beside him.

"Hey- Who's that?" He motioned to a decrepit old man playing bingo by himself.

"Oh- He's been here for awhile. Not a lot of people visit him." Tord slowly approached the man and took a seat in the chair across from him.

"Who the hell are you." He spat out at Tord.

"Oh, I'm Tord. I was just wondering if you wanted some company." Tord tried to be polite.

"I haven't had anyone talk to me since the reddit wars." The old man started to ramble about something Tord only vaguely remembered from middle school education, Tord recalled the war being over hundred years ago. Tord just brushed it off as an old person thing. Tord tried to make conversation with the Man but after a while he would just say the words "I have Dementia." Despite this, Tord still felt that it was important to talk to him.

"Are you a war vet?" Tord asked an obvious question.

"Oh god my ball." Tord was confused by this.

"I'm sorry- what?"

"Oz- A reddit war general. He shot off my left ball." This was one of the first things he didn't respond with just "I have dementia" A nurse approached him with a small tray and pills.

"Napoleon- here's your pills." The man took a pill off the tray and swallowed it. As Napoleon swallowed the pill a different old man was slowly approaching him from behind. Tord didn't think much of it until he saw the other man holding a butter knife.

"VIVA LA REDDIT." The other man from behind screeched, stabbing Napoleon in the gut. (nate do a sound effect.)

Tomtord; When you see it you'll shit bricks: Act 2Where stories live. Discover now