Cute Dress - Google x Dark, Bing, & Chase

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Outfit: Dress^ Minus necklace the shoes/socks below.

Outfit: Dress^ Minus necklace the shoes/socks below

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Google's P.O.V.
"I hate you." Bing winks at me before running off. I assume he's going to find one of our lovers. I cool my systems and proceeds to make my way to the outside. The backyard, of course, I will not be going out in public like this. If I am to wear a dress in public, I'll be the one to pick it.

I make my way through the woods. I feel like some tiny child or princess in a fairytale book. I keep going toward a familiar spot. I'm sure they'll come find me here eventually. I walk right past it. Maybe today is the day to find something new.

I keep walking for a while until I've approached a nice area. There is an assortment of flowers strewn about accompanied by mushrooms and trees. Interesting. What shall I busy myself with?

I sit myself by a tree that seems to be twisting somewhat. I decide to map out the area nearby so I can easily find this place next time and then go through different additional options to my systems. Ah, they made a new language available. I must download that.

After a while of a couple of new downloads and running system checks along with managing data and renewing things. I've found myself bored. I have also found Darkiplier staring at me.

"When did you arrive?" I ask him, voice quickly correcting its mistake of speaking in Turkish to English.

"Just as you were finishing your system check." Dark's eyes scan me from head to toe. I blink.

"Why are you here?" Dark looks back up at me, eyes focused.

"Bing had been running around with Chase looking for you. I caught bits and pieces of why, but still hadn't pieced it together until now." I chime with an error. Dark stays silent until I've corrected it, it was simple, a minor connection error is all.

"He is idiotic." Dark huffs softly as he comes closer to me.

"How did you manage to get into this?" I nearly scowl.

"Bing kept insisting. I got annoyed so I put it on and now I'm here. He hid my clothes too, he thinks this is cute and funny." Dark raises an eyebrow.

"First parts right, how do you feel about it?" Dark has gotten very close somehow.

"I would be fine if this dress wasn't so. . ." I search for the word.

"Childish." Dark hums.

"I see." Dark then offers me a smile and I nearly decide to get up and leave.

"I could take it off for you if you'd like." I stare at him, very aware of the suggestion he just offered. I cross my arms and huff.

"So now you want to do it." Dark raises an eyebrow.

"I came to you earlier, but you just told me to leave you alone. Now you hear I'm in a dress and you've suddenly got nothing to do." Dark's eyes soften.

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