Pasties - Aryia x Reader

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Outfit: The x's, I've made it so either colour works.

Your P.O.V.
I make my way downstairs in just leggings and these new pasties I got. This is an interesting experience, but I like it. Now it's time to get my boyfriend's attention.

I do some mastermind chef stuff in the kitchen and make some chicken Alfredo noodles. I've got time to kill since Aryia's making some new music. I enjoy myself until I'm so rudely interrupted.

"Damn, what's the occasion babe?" I turn and glare at him.

"Nothing. I am enjoying my noodles." Aryia puts his hands up.

"My bad, didn't see that." He chuckles and sits down across from me, setting a laptop on the table.

"Music's taking long to upload so I have a lot of time to kill." I hum, tossing the empty bowl to the sink.

"Great, I now have free time too." He laughs.

"Wanna tell me the story of your new fit?" I shrug.

"Not much to it, just got these on impulse and now I'm wearing them." Aryia nods.

"They look good, glad you got em." I chuckle.

"I can see you haven't kept your eyes above my neck majorly of this time." His eyes narrow.

"What are you talking about?" I rest my tits on the table. His eyes betray him.

"Hah! See?" Aryia blushes slightly.

"Fine, fine, I'm guilty." I grin and lean back in my chair.

"Well, are you going to keep staring or take some action into your gazes big man?" Aryia's eyes darken slightly.

"Considering I've got the go-ahead, I think I'll be taking action." I get up, backing up against the counter as Aryia meets me there.

"I bet you're sad you can grab me by my shirt anymore." Aryia's fingers close around my neck.

"I still have your pretty little neck." I chuckle, voice a tad bit strained.

"It's about time you started grabbing me like that." Aryia raises an eyebrow.

"You like that? Right, I should've known you had daddy issues." He chuckles and lets me go as he flips me around, pinning me to the counter. Then he begins to rub and play with my clit, thin cloth between us.

"Be good for me and keep your mouth open." Just to spit him I bite back a moan. Aryia sighs softly, then I'm feeling his fingers pry my jaw apart.

"Bite me all you want, I told you to keep your mouth open." I chomp his fingers and he doesn't react. Disappointing. His hands get a little more aggressive about rubbing me and I melt a little in his touch.

"Listen to me this time." He takes his fingers out and moves down. I wait for something to happen. Oh. My leggings are ripped open, fingers suddenly inside me. It takes a lot not to bite back a moan, just because my urge to piss him off is so high right now.

"Good, good. Keep it up, baby." Aryia curls his fingers, just teasing me at this point. He knows we do this enough for stretching to be nothing necessary. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy it though.

"Where's that spot again?" I jolt a bit.

"There we go." Aryia prods and carcasses my sweet spot. I tighten and loosen around him, eager to hit my high. He spanks me.

"Go on. Cum for me and I'll move on." Oh thank god, I thought he'd stop me just at the final stretch. Biting my lip, I lowly hum, pulling at every ounce of friction. Eventually, I get my high and Ayria pulls his fingers out of me.

"Good girl, let's get started." I'm slammed into, legs hitting the counter. Fuck, that hurt. When did this bitch even pull his pants down? I grip the counter, groaning as Aryia drills me into this counter.

"After this, I'll take you somewhere else." I push back on him.

"Bedroom?" Aryia hums.

"Eventually." Eventually? Soon, Aryia cums inside me, ignoring my frustration as he stops, taking me over to the couch. I'm laid on my back and immediately back to being fucked. My tits bounce and I watch Aryia's eyes follow them.

"Just keep staring why don't you?" Aryia hums as he grabs my tits, manhandling them as I enjoy the friction between us. My eyes roll back as I clench around him, hitting another high. I have a hard time settling from it with Aryia continuing to drill into me.

Aryia chuckles and my alarm bells raise. He's got something planned and I'm not going to like it. After a bit, he pushes deep inside me, filling me with even more cum. Then I'm lifted up and taken to another spot. Great.

I am shoved right up again a window, curtains drawn, and the street visible. My entire face dips a red and my body tenses and tingles with strong sensations. A sense of deep dread and excitement hits me at the same time.

"A-Aryia!" He chuckles biting my neck and marking me as I'm pressed against the window, being fucked into with no mercy.

"Yes, baby?" I struggle to get my next words out, eyes searching for people everywhere.

"We could be seen!" Aryia hums lowly by my ear.

"Isn't that the thrill? Besides, it's sprinkling, heading into a storm soon, not many will be out." A pitiful moan rips from my throat as he grips my hips, snapping me against him. My hands tremble against the window as I have nothing to grab onto.

The computer dings.

"Ah, it uploaded. Good." I tighten around Aryia, the thrill factor bringing me to an edge. My voice wavers as I go through my orgasm, Aryia groaning in return.

"Fuck~ Just imagining someone seeing you fills me with excitement, but also rage." I suffer from the snaps of hostility from him.

"I want to make sure people know you're mine." I shake as he bites down on my neck.

"Marking you up will have to do for now." I shudder as he spares no skin.

"Ayria~ I'm yours. I'm yours." He seems satisfied. After a brief moment, I can feel him filling me up a bit more. Thank god. He takes us away from the window and upstairs.

I find myself pushed against the wall, held by the thighs as I'm hit at a new angle. I pant, thoughts blurring together as I lose touch with most of what's happening.

Eventually, I find myself in the bedroom Aryia pinning my hands down as he really lays into me. He nips and marks me everywhere he can get to and I'm just sort of here. Enjoying the pleasure to the fullest.

Time feels like minutes, but the minutes feel like hours as I find Aryia slowing down to a stop. He gives me a little smile.

"We're done love, I'm a little low on energy with all the music-making today." I don't even reply. He nods.

"I see you are too." He pulls out of me.

"I'll get you cleaned up since I imagine you can't walk right now." I chuckle.

"My everything hurts now." Aryia laughs from the bathroom.

"You were bound to feel it sooner or later, I'll get the pain killers so you can sleep." I huff.

"I don't need sleep." I hear a mumbled sarcastic reply.

"Yes, you do. You already barely sleep at night, a nap is in order, besides you sleep around this time anyway." I hum. I can't argue that, I sleep whenever I feel like it. Or I'm wanting to avoid problems.

"Hurry up then." Aryia sighs.

"Yes, my lady."

"Don't ever say that to me again."

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