Oversized - Logan x Janus

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Living Room P.O.V.
It's a lazy day for the house. Well, more like everyone is doing their own thing. Patton is out helping with the bake sale for the pet shelter. Roman snagged a part in a play, along with Remus. Virgil found an interesting abandoned place the other day, so he intends to explore it a bit more this time. Now that he's prepared with a backpack of stuff.

Logan, seeing all the others were gone, took this time to settle down in the living room and relax as he reads. Janus was doing some unknown things in his room, probably feeding his snakes, before going to see what everyone else was up to.

"Hey Lo-" Janus stopped, taking in the sight of Logan wearing an oversized sweater and some leggings. He had no idea what to say. Logan was absorbed in his reading, not having heard Janus in the slightest. This gave Janus plenty of time to get himself recollected.

"Logan." Logan was brought out of his little world.

"Yes?" Logan seemed slightly preoccupied, but he was paying well enough attention to see Janus's state of fluster.

"Where is everyone?" Logan gestured toward the door.

"They all made plans for today." Janus nods.

"So you decided to relax?" Logan smiled slightly, shifted as he hums.

"Yes. Do you care to join?" Janus seemed to get even more flustered at the offer and Logan knew exactly what was going on now.

"Sure," Janus sits down, across the couch from Logan. Janus was quick to settle down, getting comfortable as he pulled a book out of nowhere. Logan shifts again, readjusting his position. Janus glanced over, finding Logan looking slightly exposed.

The sweater was riding up a bit with his leggings going the opposite way. Logan looked just adorable right now, Janus could barely handle not embracing him at this moment.

"Janus?" Janus quickly tries to play casual.

"Yes?" Logan sets his book down.

"Are you alright? You seem bothered and you spaced out staring at me." Janus had no response.

". . .Janus?" Janus stuttered, immediately got quiet, and cursed softly.

"I'm perfectly fine." Logan rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, try lying to the smart one here." Janus mocks offense.

"Are you saying I'm dumb?" Logan narrows his eyes.

"You know I didn't say that." Janus huffs.

"Insinuation." Logan moves, making the distance between them smaller as he seems to crawl toward Janus. Logan takes the book Janus was holding and tossed it aside. Then he sits back on his knees.

"I don't like your tone." Janus crosses his arms.

"I don't like your attitude." Logan then breaks into laughter, startling Janus.

"I know you like what I'm wearing, just go on and say it out loud." Janus was then completely silent. Logan climbs into Janus's lap.

"Well?" Janus does his little stutter, silence, curse dance again. Logan chuckles, knowing his power in this situation. Logan rests on Janus's lap, ever so slightly moving back and forth.

"I like your outfit darling." Janus's hands slide onto Logan's hips, gripping them. Logan smiles.

"Good boy." Logan cups Janus's face and gives a cocky smile. Janus's eyes narrow. A second pair of arms helps to move Logan and pin him down on the couch. One pair pinning his hands down, the other holding Logan's hip. A third pair goes to move Logan's clothing, teasing the shielded skin.

"Hey! This is cheating." Janus raises an eyebrow.

"I wasn't aware there was rules sweetheart." Logan huffs with irritation. Janus easily pulls off Logan's leggings with little resistance.

"No boxers?" Logan eyes Janus.

"No." Janus shrugs.

"Easier for me." Logan puffs. Janus moves Logan's leg up, moving back to look at him.

"Well, you seem loose." Logan squirms slightly.

"Yeah, you have a problem with that?" Janus ignores Logan's snip.

"No, I'm just curious. One, do you need me to stretch you still, and two, I'm curious as to how." Logan stays silent for a moment, catching Janus's gaze.

"No, you don't." Janus waits for an answer to his second question.

"Remus is a willing participant in my experiments, but he also has some interesting suggests I cannot ignore." Janus falls into light laughter.

"I wondered why he would disappear to every so often." Logan hums, squirming a lot more now.

"I see you're eager." Logan huffs.

"You're not doing anything and I'm impatient Janus!" Janus smiles, going to work to get his clothes off. Once off, Janus brings his lips to Logan, locking them together. Two of his hands continue to keep Logan pinned down, two more playing with his nipples. The last two? One preparing Janus to move into Logan and the other holding Logan's hip still.

"Alright darling, we'll start." Janus starts to gently nip and suck at the skin of Logan's neck while pushing inside of him at the same time. Logan arches slightly, arms twitching as he tries to get himself loose. Their thighs touch and Janus waits a moment.

"Move." Logan spits out the words and Janus chuckles in reply.

"Alright, princess." Before Logan can bite back, Janus snaps his hips, drilling into him. Logan's words are lost as he reacts to the sudden pleasure. Janus shows little to no mercy, aiming for Logan's good spot. Once found, that is. Otherwise, Janus uses four of his hands to constantly tease Logan, while still not allowing him to move his arms.

"F-fuck~" That, among many more colourful words, falls out of Logan's mouth for the time they do this. Which is a while.

By the end of it, the couch is sticky, Janus is slightly sweaty and has cum all over his stomach and thighs from Logan and from his own. Logan is cum filled, currently leaking all over Janus's thighs and the couch, and sweaty. Both are just a mess.

"One of them is going to be back soon." Janus sighs softly.

"And what will they do?" Logan chuckles breathlessly.

"I'm not-" The door opens. Janus looks over in startle. Logan can't see.

"Aww, Janus you didn't tell me that you were busy!" Remus closes the door behind him.

"I- Where's Roman." Remus waves it off.

"Went off to go help Patton." Remus just starts taking his clothes off.

"Make room for a third!" Logan melts into the couch.

"I hate both of you."

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