Cute Bra - Host x Genderfluid!Dark

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Info: Since Dark is a combination of Damien and Celine, he will shift back and forth between a male body and a female body every once in a while. Currently, he is in a female body.

Dark's P.O.V.
I hum softly as I check myself out in the mirror. I smile.

"Hell yeah. You look fantastic Dark." I wink and fall into a fit of chuckles. I sigh softly. That was stupid. I move onto go find Host. He's sure to be around here somewhere.

I go straight to the library and check the reading spot. I smile seeing my lover sitting there reading a new book.

"Hey, sweetheart." Host looks up toward me. A warm smile comes across his face.

"Hello, poison berry." A soft heat comes across my face. There's something about that nickname. I sit down in Host's lap, resting my head back on his shoulder as I snuggle up against him.

"Are you enjoying the new book?" Host hums softly.

"Yes." I look up at him, I used to be curious about how he could read with a blindfold on, but we've held that conversation before so I understand now.

I blink and see Host has set the book down. I rub my eyes and look around.

"Mm did I fall asleep?" Host holds me.

"Yes." I hum again as Host kisses my cheek. His hands start to slowly caress my body.

"Is this new?" Finger fingers gently mess with the ruffles on the edge of my bottoms.

"Yes. They've got small strawberries on them." Host smiles fondly.

"Cute." In case you haven't figured it out by now, we share moments more than words. Embrace each other rather than chat. I moan softly as he squeezes my ass, feeling me up there among other places.

"You look very lovely darling." I pull Host in for a kiss as he continues to hold and caress me. We stay like this for a blissful moment, Host completely embracing me, me completely embracing him. It's nice. Very nice. We separate briefly.

"Master~ Please fuck me. I want all of you right now, I need all of you right now." Host doesn't do much in hesitating as he pulls me up a bit. I help him quickly shed his clothing, completely ignoring his trenchcoat as I pull away his pants and boxers.

"Eager~" Host's voice is soft. I ignore his little tease and sink down onto him.

"Oh~ I will never get tired of this feeling." I smile.

"Going in dry?" Host groans softly as I start rolling my hips.

"You know very well you aren't dry." I giggle softly as he starts lightly snapping his hips before rolling them. One of Host's hands brings me closer to him before settling on my hip. The other goes to start gently massaging my clit.

My hands go to keep a hold on Host and his hair, one dipping into the bicep of the hand holding my hip and the other lightly tugging at his hair as I lock our lips together in a messy embrace. My hips work to bounce on Host as his work to roll against mine.

"I love you so much, my poison berry." A whine breaks past my guard as I yearn to get closer to him.

"I love you too baby." I crave more of his touch. Which is nearly impossible considering he's completely on me.

Host's hand on my hip goes to squeeze my ass, spanking it firmly before moving to slide up my back. I push more into him, eager for as much friction and contact as possible.

Host gets less and less gentle with my clit, and my guard starts breaking down as I release more and more sound. Host breaks the kiss, moving to sloppily mark me up, leaving bite marks and bruises all across my neck and upper chest.

I fall into a blissed headspace thinking of nothing, but the pleasure and contact between us. My eyes roll back a bit and I loosen but also stay tense at the same time as I fall apart.

Host pushes me down onto the ground, drilling me into the floor. I'm sure my jaw is aching, but I won't feel it until later so it doesn't matter.

"You look so cute like this darling. So needy. So desperate. So blissed out and wet for me. All excited and impatient for me to fill you up." Who knows what ungodly noise I made to respond to that.

"Do you want me to fill you up baby~?" Yes. That is what I want to say.

"Use your words, darling." Oh, I hate when he does this. No, I don't, but I do. I force myself to spray out words.

"Please~! Please~! Master please~! Cum inside me~! Inside~! Inside~!" Every word is almost slurred together. Each a stress to push out. Host chuckles lowly. My leg is lifted above his shoulder as he cums into me.

I whine, feeling my own orgasm overtake me. Then I realize that's not the first time I felt that in the past however long we've been doing this. Huh, interesting.

"More~?" The next few words I give him are certainly unintelligible, but he gets the point. We go on, my leg being pushed back even more as he pushes his cum to the very brim of me. I let him do as he pleases happy to be in the state and spot I am.

Soon, I blink. What? I look around. I am in. . .my bed? I sit up, immediately laying back down. Oo sore. I glance at the doorway just in time to see my lover step in.

"Good morning poison berry, how are you feeling." I let out a stressed groan.

"Sore." Host chuckles as he sits down beside me.

"You passed out after my second time." I blush slightly.

"That's embarrassing." Host waves it off as he helps me sit up. He hands me a glass of water and tells me to drink, also handing me some painkillers. I thank him, happy he's always taking care of me when I need him.

"I brought you a little to eat too." I take the little thing with slow hands and bite into it. Mmm. Warm. Host gives me a light kiss on the cheek as he rolls his shoulders back.

"If you need anything else let me know." I look almost panicked.

"Are you not staying?" Host smiles at me.

"I am. I just want you to know that if you need anything, I'll go get it." I relax and Host moves around to the other side of the best, laying beside me. I lean on him and he turns on our TV toward the front of the room.

"You get to pick the show this time," I mumble softly as I continue eating. Host smiles, and I know exactly what his choice is. Here we go again.

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