Socks - Dark x Anti & Wilford

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Outfit: Black long-sleeved shirt tucked into a black skirt. These socks^ and these awesome shoes \/

 These socks^ and these awesome shoes \/

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Dark's P.O.V.
I slide on my high knee socks, quickly put on my shoes, and stare in the mirror. I look amazing. I chuckle and brush myself off. Now, to go find my two boyfriends.

I make my way around the house, seeming to have trouble finding them. I frown slightly. Where would they even be at? They don't do many things. I peek out in the backyard. Oh, there they are. Wilford is blowing bubbles and enjoying himself as Anti does target practice.

I come out and a smile spreads across my face as I become eager to see their reactions. Wilford notices me coming along.

"Hey Dar-" He cuts himself off, eyes moving to take in my outfit fully.

"Wow, you got Wilford speechless-" Anti does the same as he turns around. I giggle, amused by this. I sit down on Wilford's blanket.

"Well, don't you look dashing?" I roll my eyes and snuggle up beside Wilford. He wraps an arm around me. I look over at Anti. I make grabby hands. I used to be embarrassed doing these kinds of actions, but they've made me feel comfortable. I know they won't make fun of me.

"Come here. I want your attention." Anti sighs softly, setting his knife down as he comes and sits beside me. Wilford lays me down suddenly and Anti follows suit as we all lay here. Peaceful silence keeps us content for a while. Eventually, I feel Anti's hands gently rest on my thighs as he massages them. A light wave of tingles moves through me.

The feeling dulls down after a bit and I get back into a sleepy half state. Then I notice something. A light blush creeps across my face. Anti's hard. Before I decide he's getting horny, I give him the benefit of the doubt and assume it's one of those random ones.

Anti's hand slowly slide up my thigh, moving my skirt up. Then his fingers trace the hem of my panties.

"Cute choice." Is the low whisper I hear in my ear. I quietly whine as Anti messages my ass.

"May I?" He tugs at the hem again. I take a glance at Wilford. Is he asleep? I don't want to bother him. . . but I also kind of want to keep going with Anti.

". . .just be quiet, Wilford is sleeping." Anti hums softly in reply and moves my panties to the side. I wait in anxious impatience for him to do something. Then I feel his wet fingers slip inside me. I bit my lip, holding back the instinctive reaction of mine.

I tense and intense, shuddering slightly as Anti works to stretch me out, moving his fingers as deep as possible before curling them. My mouth opens, but no sound leaves as I do my best to breathe evenly. Anti's breath touches the back of my neck.

"Enjoying it~?" I move back a little to show I am, scared to talk in case I'll make some interesting sounds instead. Anti's fingers pull out and I hear him shortly slightly as he takes off his jeans.

I slide my hand behind my back and blindly grab at Anti. His hand stops mine and leads me toward his dick. I go right on to jerking him off, Anti softly groaning as I do. I do him a favour and caress the tip with my thumb when I can to make this more enjoyable for him.

After a moment, Anti taps my wrist and I let him go. Then another brief moment passes before I can feel Wilford shift slightly, arms wrapping around my waist as he gets comfortable again. Our foreheads touch lightly, breathing soft.

Anti decides to push in without much warning and I chomp down on my lip and tongue to make sure I don't let any sounds out. I hear a soft snicker from behind me. Glad he thinks that was funny. Anti thrusts inside me, moving deep and slow.

Minutes pass as Anti fucks me slowly, my body eager for more, but careful to not get too rowdy with Wilford sleeping. I struggle to keep soft whines from leaving me as I ache for more friction and touch from Anti. A hand grips my dick, jerking it off at a slow pace.

"Seems you weren't as quiet as you thought." My face dips a deep red as Wilford smiles at me. My hips buck into Wilford's hand. He chuckles as he leaves a quick kiss on my lips. My eyes flicker down to his hands pulling his clothes. They disappear.

Anti's hand lifts my leg up. This pushes Anti deeper inside me and gives Wilford access. Wilford presses against me, shoving himself in with Anti. My voice cracks as I start to let out sounds without any resistance.

"A little tight." Is the soft mumble from Wilford. Anti, now aware of Wilford's consciousness, seems to fuck into me harshly and faster than before, Wilford matching perfectly. I melt into the blanket, throat letting out whatever sounds it decides to.

"You're enjoying this~" Wilford teases me. My hands shakily grip Wilford's shoulders and he and Anti continue pounding into me. My leg aches, but I can't pay too much mind to it as I focus on getting off. Anti starts nipping at my back, Wilford at my chest. Anti's hand squeezes my thigh as Wilford continues to jack me off.

It's all so much.

"Hah~ G-guys I'm close." Anti just continues, however, Wilford gives me a smile. Oh please don't do anything. I give him my desperate eyes and see whatever plan he had slowly melt away.

Soon, I've built up enough pressure and I cum right into Wilford's hand without much warning. The two keep going and soon Anti follows with Wilford right behind him. We all take a moment to ourselves. Then Anti pulls out, Wilford following his actions. I whine softly as their cum drips down me.

"Let's take this inside." The two help me up, Wilford carrying me inside as Anti follows. I'm going to be sore by the end of the day.

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