Turtleneck - JBM x Anti

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Jackie's P.O.V.
I dust myself off as I stare in the mirror. I smile. This is interesting. I hum softly as I pull up my phone. A couple of text messages, media notifications, emails, etc. Eh, I'll glance at them later.

I start making my way downstairs, ready to eat breakfast. I pass Jameson along the way, getting two thumbs up from him and a warm smile. I give him the same gesture and move along, finding Henrick in the kitchen. He passes me a plate without paying attention and I enjoy the meal as the others come along to join.

"This is new," Chase says to me as he sits down. I nod, swallowing my food before talking.

"Yeah. Found this in my closet while I was cleaning last night. Thought I'd wear it." Chase compliments me on it and I thank him. Then I receive nearly the same conversation from Marvin. Now just to wait to see how to gremlin of the house reacts.

We all make loose conversation, Henrick rushing a bit since he needs to get to work. Jameson also leaves early, Wilford and him having made plans to hang out today.

"Marvin, would you come with me to pick up the kids for this week?" Chase seems a bit scattered. Marvin smiles.

"Sure thing. When do we go?" Chase glances at the time.

"In ten or so minutes, never hurts to be early though." Marvin nods and we all finish our food before the two left. Well, guess it's just me and Anti. Speaking of, he still hasn't come down yet.

I should probably go check on him.

I toss my plate in the sink, running some water over it before I leave. Making my way upstairs, I quickly get to the gremlin's room and knock softly.

No response.

I open the door and find Anti conked out on the bed. I sigh softly. Should I let him sleep some more? Yeah, hopefully, he's not angry when I do decide to get him up.

I close the door and do some minor things like brushing my teeth and doing dishes. Hmm. I glance at the time. Should I give him more time? It hasn't been long.

I decide to go upstairs and wake him up. Let's hope he doesn't decide to delete me because of it. I do find myself beside Anti, gently shaking him.

"Anti. Come on buddy, get up." Anti groans, trying to get away from me. I keep a firm grip.

"Come on, get up." Anti turns to me and stares at me, green eyes glowing slightly.

"What?" His eyes move down, checking out my outfit.

"It's just us two in the house, so I'm the one waking you up today." Anti stares at me.

"Why?" I roll my eyes.

"You need to eat breakfast."

"Hah. You could be my breakfast." I barely catch that. Anti rolls back over. I stare at him, blindly slowly. Now, what the fuck am I gonna do now? Hmm. I get on the bed, straddling him.

"What you say about breakfast?" Anti stares at me.

"Just said what I wanted, you didn't hear me?" I tilt my head.

"No?" Anti shrugs.

"Oh well." Two can play this game.

"You still need to get up, I'll give you anything you want if you do." I use specific wording for that. Anti eyes me.

"Anything?" I give him a look.

"That doesn't involve me killing anyone." Anti chuckles. I'm suddenly on my back, Anti over me.

"You heard what I said didn't you?" I stick my tongue out.

"You said it, not me." Anti rolls his eyes as he spreads my legs out more.

"Well, I'm getting on with it." Anti rips open the seam of my jeans, just enough to get access.

"Hey! I liked those jeans!" Anti huffs.

"Too bad. We'll see if you can still wear them after we're done." I pout, crossing my arms as he pulls a small item out of thin air.

"Since when cou-" my sentence is cut short by me moaning softly, a sort of sticky and wet feeling down on my ass.

"Questions later. Focus on this right now." I hum as Anti slips fingers inside of me, working me open for him. I push back a small bit, eager for more stimulation.

I notice how uncomfortable my pants are on my growing erection and whine softly, seeming to send the message to Anti that I want them off. Anti pops my buttons, unzipping the jeans, and pulls my boxers down, but that's all. I would protest, but at least I don't have any restrictions anymore.

"Anti~ Come on, just fuck me already." Anti hums.

"So impatient," I whine, toes curling as he moves in deeper.

"Please daddy~?" Anti stops and stares at me before a sinister grin spreads across his face.

"Mm. Since you're asking so nicely." I feel like this was a mistake in some way. Anti pushes into me suddenly and I have little time to question when his pants were even off.

"Oh~ big~" Anti's eyes glow as they meet mine.

"Are you happy you're getting what you want?" I nod, moaning softly as Anti juts his hip.

"Yes~!" My voice raises in pitch midway as Anti snaps his hips again. One of my legs is lifted over Anti's shoulder, the other resting on the bed as I'm sort of on my side now.

Anti starts off agonizingly slow. Slow enough to the point where I'm impatient and can't wait for him to decide to go faster.

"Daddy~? Why are you going so slow~?" My voice is a little whiney. Anti hums.

"You didn't ask me to go faster." I huff. If I had known that I would have asked a long while ago.

"Can you please go faster daddy~?" Anti's eyes flicker as he smiles.

"Sure." What- My voice cracks as I'm harshly slammed into, Anti going at an unbelievably fast speed. My throat scratches sound coming out whether I want them to or not. My fingers curl around the bedsheets, muscles tensing.

"You look so cute baby~" I can't respond. My hands can't reach Anti where I'm at, I want, no need, to get him closer to me.

Suddenly, Anti changes up, letting my leg go down as I'm flat on my back, his body right up against mine as he keeps going. My arms do little in hesitating to wrap around him, our lips together.

Our tongues swirl together in an embrace as a bit of teary pleasure overcomes me. This feels so good. Even better when one of Anti's hands goes to jerk me off and the other goes to cup the side of my face.

"Fuck~ I'm not gonna be able to let you go after this." Anti's words are strained as he takes his hands off me just to push my legs back, he quickly puts his hands back to where they were originally though.

I must be an absolute sight to Anti. Mouth agape, drool coming down, slight tears pooling, my eyes cloudy, panting. I'm sure he's enjoying it.

Anti's hand that was originally cupping my face slips behind my head, suddenly pulling my hair back as he goes into nipping at the flesh of my jawline and just under that.

Anti whispers in my ear and I cum just after. He gives me a look and I shake my head in return. Then he hums softly before he goes back to kissing me passionately.

We go for a while, ending with me being cum-filled, slightly marked in places, panting, and feeling sticky. Anti gets off with just a little bit of my cum on his clothes and being sweaty from our. . .intense drive.

Right now Anti is watching me push said cum out of me, commenting on how cute I look as I do. I shake a bit, muscles aching.

"Come on, I'll get you cleaned up." I protest in vain.

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