Chapter 12: Lunch

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Chapter 12: Lunch

Today is Taehyung's first time living on his own. He kind of likes it but he can't deny that he missed his alarm clock friend. He even finds it peaceful to be alone.

He was currently preparing for his work since it was already 7 am. He already took a bath and will eat now. He was perplexed when he heard a knock on his door. He stopped eating and stood up from his seat to check who it was because he didn't expect any guests today.

He opened the door and was surprised to see Jungkook in front of him.

"Good Morning" Jungkook greeted him.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked confusedly.

"I'm here to pick you up, I thought you might need help since you'll get confused." Jungkook told him.

"Oh, you don't have to do this, I already memorized the way here. Besides, I don't want to bother you at all." Taehyung uttered.

"Don't worry, you're not bothering me. I'm happy and willing to do this." Jungkook assured him, ruffling his hair.

"Okay, I'll just take my belongings and we'll leave. Get inside." Taehyung said moving aside so the Alpha can get inside.

Jungkook went inside while Taehyung went upstairs to go take his bag.

"Pup, you didn't finish your food. You still can finish them, I'll wait." Jungkook said noticing the food on the table.

"It's okay, I'm already full." Taehyung responded, going downstairs.

"Are you sure? You shouldn't go to work on an empty stomach." Jungkook told him.

"I'm really fine, don't worry. Let's go now." Taehyung smiled.

"Alright" Jungkook replied.

They went out of the cabin, Taehyung locked the door of his cabin and followed Jungkook outside. The Alpha opened the door car for him and he muttered 'thank you' before he went inside.


Taehyung arrived at the department, greeted everyone, and sat down on his chair.

"Taehyung, do you heard the news?" Taeui suddenly asked him.

"If this is about our CEO again, I don't want to hear it." Taehyung sighed.

"Well, yes it is, but this time it has proof and real, not just a rumor." Taeui told him.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung looked at him confusedly.

"Look, this is the proof that our CEO has a secret spouse and it was all over the media." Taeui showed him his phone about the article that has been spreading on different sites.

Taehyung's eyes widened seeing the proof he was talking about. It was their lunch that happened yesterday. He can't be wrong, he was sure it was him in the picture even though he can only see his back.

"Surprising right? I don't understand why he hiding his spouse. There's nothing wrong about that tho." Taeui uttered.

Why it's always about him again? He thought everything should be fine now.

"Mr. Taeui, go back to your work. I'll let this one pass, for now, if this happened again, I will fire you." The team leader, Jimin came inside.

"Sorry, sir." Taeui apologized and went back to his seat.

Jimin glared at Taehyung and shooked his head before he went to his office. Taehyung smacked his own forehead due to frustration.


It was their lunchtime now, and Taehyung was glad he finished half of his work. They noticed the door of their department opened and the CEO came inside. They immediately stood up and bowed their head to show respect to Jungkook.

"What are you doing here, Jungkook?" Jimin asked standing beside the Alpha.

"It's your department lunchtime so I'm here to pick up Mr. Kim." Jungkook smiled looking at the omega who swallowed hard.

Jimin was giving him a what-the-fuck look and he simply ignored him.

"So, Mr. Kim, would you like to go eat lunch with me?" Jungkook asked Taehyung and extend his hand for the omega to hold.

Taehyung was hesitant to go with him. He can see his co-workers looking at him confusedly. If he could just say no, he will do that but he doesn't want to embarrass the Alpha. He sighed in defeat and held Jungkook's hand.

"Let's go now." Jungkook's smile became wider and put his hand on Taehyung's back.

The omega hums in response and let the Alpha drag him outside.

"Why did you do that?" Taehyung suddenly asked when they were in the parking lot.

"Did what?" Jungkook looked at him.

"You shouldn't go to the department and ask me for a lunch. They will surely suspect us, didn't you see the article about your— I mean, our dating scandal." Taehyung explained.

He felt Jungkook touch his cheeks and smile at him.

"There's nothing to worry about, pup. That article will disappear soon, besides, I asked you to have lunch with me because I don't like eating alone. Don't you like to accompany me?" Jungkook retorted.

"It's not like that, they were like paparazzi, I just don't want to make everything worst." Taehyung sighed.

"What are you talking about, pup? As long as you ignore those articles, nothing worst will happen. You just have to trust me, okay?" Jungkook told him, caressing his cheeks.

Taehyung nodded his head and Jungkook hugged him. A smirk plastered on Jungkook's face while looking in the direction or more likely, to someone that can't be seen.

"Should we go now? I'm pretty sure you must be hungry that's why your mood is so down." Jungkook giggled pulling away from the hug.

"Okay, it's my treat then." Taehyung uttered.

"Nah, I'm the one who invited you so it's my treat." Jungkook retorted opening the door car beside the driver's seat.

"But I haven't fully paid you back yet." Taehyung muttered.

"You don't have to mind it, pup. It's on me, come on, let me treat you this time, hm?" Jungkook said.

"Are you sure? I have money with me. I really don't mind paying for us." Taehyung insisted.

"If you insist one more time, I will kiss you." Jungkook dare.

A blush creeping on Taehyung's cheeks, he didn't hesitate to go inside the car making the Alpha chuckle.

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