Chapter 16: Sick

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Chapter 16: Sick

Taehyung wasn't feeling well a bit today. He felt like his body wasn't in a good condition but he doesn't want to admit it. He still went to his work even though he felt weak. His body was obviously pale but he didn't mind it.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" Taeui asked worriedly when he saw how pale the omega was.

"I— I'm fine, why?" Taehyung coughed.

"You are so pale right now, are you sure you're fine?" Taeui inquired with a hint of concern in his tone.

"Please, don't mind me, I'm seriously fine." Taehyung weakly smiled.

"If that's what you said, but if you can't do work anymore, just take a rest. You should think about your health first." Taeui told him.

"Thank you" Taehyung appreciated his concern.

"So, are you going to lunch with us?" Taeui asked changing the topic.

"Hm, yes, is it lunchtime now?" Taehyung looked at his wristwatch and didn't notice it was already lunchtime.

"Then let's go now before the restaurant gets crowded." Taeui uttered tapping his shoulder.

Taehyung hums in response, he stood up, taking his coat on the backrest of his seat and wallet. He wore his coat, he felt cold even though the weather was sunny. He followed Taeui and his other co-workers and he was far from them a bit. He didn't mind being left out while the others were talking to each other. He is not in the mood.

They went to the elevator, which was opened but with their CEO and others inside. They bowed their heads to show respect to Jungkook and went inside the elevator with pure silence invading them. When Taehyung walked inside, he felt dizzy and his sight was getting blurry.

Suddenly, he passed out when his sight turned black. Everybody was shocked but Jungkook was fast enough to catch Taehyung.

"Mr. Kim, wake up, Taehyung!" Jungkook shooked the omega's body but he felt that Taehyung was hot due to a fever

He carried Taehyung like a newlywed and get out of the elevator.

"Call Dr. Jung now!" He ordered his guards who were with him.

They bowed their head while Jungkook bring the omega with him into his office. One of his guards opened the door of his office to get inside. He put Taehyung on his couch and makes sure he's comfortable.

"Where is the doctor?!" He asked kind of annoyed.

"He's coming now, sir." The guard responded, who called Hoseok.

After a few minutes, Hoseok arrived instantly.

"What happened?" Hoseok inquired.

"Please, check him." Jungkook said pointing at Taehyung.

Hoseok was confused about who is the person in Jungkook's office but he pay no mind and went near the person. But his confusion grew more when he find out the person was an omega.

As far as he knows, Jungkook doesn't like omega cause they were annoying when they were in heat. Jungkook encountered many omegas in heat who were desperate to be fuck by him. He disregards his thoughts for now and checks the omega.

"He's fine, it was a fever, maybe cause by stress and his work as well." Hoseok said after examining the omega.

"Won't you prescribe medicine?" Jungkook asked with obvious worry in his tone.

"Don't worry, he's an omega. They were known for their ability to heal mild illnesses. He will heal soon when he gets enough rest." Hoseok assured him.

"Thank you" Jungkook sighed in relief.

"But, who is he? Why he's in your office?" Hoseok inquired curiously.

"He's my employee, hyung." Jungkook uttered kneeling in front of the couch where Taehyung was and holding his hand.

"But an omega, Jungkook." Hoseok trying to point out.

He thought Jimin was just playfully lying about the omega that Jungkook bought an apartment for. He never expects it will be real.

"Thank you for coming here, hyung, you can leave now." Jungkook simply ignored him and remove the strand from Taehyung's forehead.

"Come on, Jungkook, I won't mind if he's your secret lover or what. Just tell me who is he." Hoseok told him.

"You don't have to think who is he, hyung." Jungkook sighed.

"Tsk, you're no fun. I guess I'll do my own investigation then." Hoseok snickered.

"Do whatever you want, let's see if you can find something." Jungkook grinned.

"Geez, I'm pretty sure you will hide his identity. Such a bastard." Hoseok sighed, shaking his head.

"Just leave, hyung, I have a lot of things to do. We'll talk later." Jungkook simply replied.

"Yeah, sure." Hoseok uttered and left.

Jungkook covered Taehyung's blanket with a blanket so he can keep warm. He pecked the omega's forehead and leave his office as well.

"Make sure he won't leave once he wakes up, tell him to wait for me." He ordered his guards who nodded their heads in response.

He walked away because he had to attend important meetings.

"What do you think will Mr. Jeon do with Taehyung?" Taeui asked the others.

"I hope not to molest him."

"Same, I don't think it's a good idea to let him be with Taehyung. Who knows what was in his mind right now."

"Should we go and check Taehyung? I will feel bad if something happened to him."

"Do you think that's possible? We can't even go inside his office as if we're not his employees."

"Right, I'm sure Mr. Jeon won't let us get inside." Taeui responded.

Well, Jungkook barely lets someone inside his office because he doesn't want his office to get reek of the random scent of wolves. It annoyed him if he smell their scent since he found their scent disgusting.

"I'm worried about what might happen to Taehyung."

"Let's just hope Mr. Jeon won't harm him." Taeui sighed.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was literally having the day of his life. He was served and cared for by Jungkook's guards. Even though he felt it was too much, he can't stop them because they said they were ordered to do what they were doing.

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