Chapter 21: Childhood friend

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Chapter 21: Childhood friend

Taehyung's work filled up because their team was assigned to do research for the company's new stock and unfortunately, one of the members was absent due to his rut, and Taehyung was told to finish his co-worker's task.

"Taehyung, are you going with us?" Taeui asked because it was already their lunchtime.

"I'm sorry, I can't today, I need to finish my work." Taehyung responded.

"You don't want to finish them later? You can take overnight tho." Taeui uttered.

"I really can't today, I have a lot of things to do later." Taehyung told him.

"Okay, tell me what you want to eat instead so I can order them for you." Taeui said wearing his coat.

"Anything, thank you." Taehyung smiled.

"You're welcome" Taeui left with their other co-workers.

Taehyung sighed and a bit of pout formed on his lips. He was a little bit hungry but he was sure he can handle it. Meanwhile, Jungkook was walking in the corridor where Jimin's department was. He was going there to check his omega.

A smile plastered on his lips when he saw Taehyung.

"Pup, are you still busy?"

The omega flinched, he was so focused on his work that he didn't even notice Jungkook coming inside and now behind him. The Alpha turned him around by his swivel chair and Jungkook was leaning toward him. The space between them was too close that Taehyung can even feel Jungkook's breath against his lips.

"You scared me" He told the Alpha, sighing.

"Sorry pup, I came here to pick you up for our lunch date." Jungkook giggled, ruffling Taehyung's hair.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, I can't go with you today. I have to finish these bunch of files today." Taehyung uttered.

"You shouldn't skip meals, pup, you have just recovered from your sickness." Jungkook retorted.

"I know, Jungkook, but I can't help it because I'm really busy. Besides, my friends will buy food for me." Taehyung replied.

"Don't you want to do your work later? It's okay to do an overnight job." Jungkook suggested.

"I don't want to leave late, Jungkook." Taehyung muttered, fidgeting his fingers.

The Alpha sighed, he understand the reason why.

"I told you, baby, nothing will happen to you like that again, I'm here, I'm going to protect you." Jungkook stated.

"Taehyung, your food is he—"

They both looked at the door and saw Taehyung's co-workers coming inside the department and Taehyung just realized the weird position between him and Jungkook. He immediately stands up and cleared his throat.

"Thank you" Taehyung smiled at them and took the plastic bag with the food they ordered for him.

Jungkook stood up properly and put his hands in his pocket. They bowed their heads in respect to their CEO.

"Jungkook, you're here, someone is looking for you." Jimin suddenly came, cutting off the awkwardness inside the department.

"Who?" Jungkook asked in response.

"I don't know, she said your mother told her to come here and meet you. She also said that she's your childhood friend." Jimin stated, shrugging off his shoulder.

Jungkook poked his tongue in his inner cheek and rolled his eyes. He knew what Jimin meant by that.

"Let's just talk later, hm." Jungkook told to Taehyung who nodded his here in response.

Jungkook left the department and Taehyung swallowed hard.

"What are you guys doing? Go back to your work." Jimin ordered them in his Alpha tone.

They flinched and immediately went back to their own place and work. Taehyung was glad that everyone is busy or else they will surely bombard him with questions.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked the female Alpha who was inside his office.

The female Alpha turned around with a smile on her lips. She looks decent, not gonna lie, and pretty. She also has a good and sexy body with an ideal face. Her hair is also healthy like a model's curly long hair.

"It's me, Joanna, remember?" She told her name.

"Sorry, but I don't remember that name." Jungkook retorted walking passed by her and sitting down on his seat.

"You still didn't change, Jungkook, you are still hard to approach and cold demeanor like what I expected." Joanna giggled.

"Do I know you?" Jungkook inquired, raising his left brow.

"Hah, seriously, I'm your childhood friend from Busan. We were both raised by a wealthy family and attached to the hip since we were younger." Joanna clarified.

"Well, it happened in the past. I'm not interested in my past anymore. And I don't see any reason for you to come here. I don't like someone bothering me when I'm busy." Jungkook retorted in his stern tone.

"Is that how you talk to your childhood friend? Besides, I know you more than your parents and your mother told me to come here and hang out with you. I heard that you kept rejecting her so I came here instead. And it will be fun to hang out with the prominent and respected Alpha like you." Joanna explained and smirked.

"I kept rejecting mom for a reason and you think coming here will make me change my mind? No, I don't want to be with you." Jungkook replied.

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure you will have fun with me. You don't have to worry, I'm not like the other girls you know, I'm different from them." Joanna grinned.

"I don't care whether you are different from them or not. Can you please leave my office? I have a lot of things to do and I don't have time to chit-chat with you. You are just wasting my time." Jungkook snapped.

"Seriously, you will treat me like this, you might regret it." Joanna responded.

"I don't regret anything, now leave before I won't able to control myself and punch the heck out of you." Jungkook glared at her.

Joanna was surprised and confused, she was thinking if the Alpha was being serious right now.

"Do you hear me? Leave" Jungkook pointed to the door.


Joanna rolled her eyes and left the office, annoyed.

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