Chapter 24: Assumption

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Chapter 24: Assumption

When Jungkook arrived at Taehyung's car, he rapidly parked his car and went out running from his car. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He curses under his breath while hardly twisting the doorknob.

He took the spare key from his pocket and opened the door, which he luckily did.

"Taehyung!" He called for the omega, but he didn't get a response.

He roamed his eyes around the cabin, he felt a little bit relieved seeing Taehyung on the couch.

"Taehyung" He uttered, kneeling down in front of the couch and gently shaking Taehyung's body.

His nervousness eased when he heard the omega snoring. However, he still contacted help from the police to check what happened.

"Mr. Jeon"

He looked at the door, seeing the police arrive after him.

"We apologize for arriving late, apparently, while we were on our way here, there's a truck that busted in the lane." Police Cheol apologized.

"It's okay, but does anyone suspicious surrounding this place?" Jungkook asked, standing up from his position.

"We didn't find any suspicious things here, but my team was currently checking the CCTV footage to check what happened." Police Cheol responded.

"Make sure to investigate thoroughly, I wanted to know what happened to my mate. Give me the name immediately." Jungkook stated.

"Yes, sir." Police Cheol saluted Jungkook before proceeding to investigate the area.

Jungkook carried the unconscious Taehyung in a bridal style to bring him to his room. He went upstairs and carefully put Taehyung on the bed.

"Jungkook, you called for me?"

He heard Jin's voice finally come inside Taehyung's room.

"Yes, please check Taehyung and tell me if there's something wrong with him." Jungkook told him.

Jin hums in response and checks Taehyung's pulse

"I don't think there's something wrong with him. He just seemed to be sleeping with me. His vitals and pulse are fine, I don't find any illness." Jin stated.

"Are you sure? Taehyung told me that he felt dizzy and asleep before his phone died." Jungkook uttered.

"I suspected he might have consumed something like a sleeping drug, that's why he passed out." Jin told him.

"Mr. Jeon" Police Cheol came inside.

"What?" Jungkook looked at him.

"We found out that there's a drug in this pizza. And we assumed it must be a kind of drug that could cause an individual to fall asleep." Police Cheol stated.

"My assumption is right." Jin uttered.

"Is there anything else?" Jungkook asked.

"There is one suspect right now, he is a delivery man who delivered this pizza. He's the only one who came to this cabin. Unfortunately, we couldn't see his face because of his helmet, but we got a copy of the motorcycle he was using. We are going to track it down as soon as possible." Police Cheol explained.

"Thank you for the information." Jungkook thanked the police.

"We are going now, Mr. Jeon, to investigate further." Police Cheol bowed his head.

Jungkook hummed and Police Cheol left with his colleague.

"So, he is the omega that Jimin is talking about?" Jin inquired, remembering the topic Jimin brought up.

Jungkook didn't respond and just sat down on the bed with the omega, holding his hand.

"Jungkook, if he is that omega, don't you think you should be more careful if you are around him? You must be the reason this happened to him. You are putting him in danger." Jin stated.

"I don't have any idea who might do this to him." Jungkook retorted.

"I know, but there's a higher chance you must be the reason. Your image is overly known around the country, don't you think that someone has eyes on this omega to get you?" Jin commented.

"It's just your other assumption, Hyung, even if that's true, you don't need to worry, I can protect him." Jungkook replied, looking at him.

"Yes, you're right, but does that omega aware of that? How are you going to explain this situation?" Jin inquired.

"It's on me now, Hyung, I appreciate your concern, but please, don't ask too many questions, my head hurts." Jungkook sighed.

"Alright, if that's what you want. I'll get going now, I have patients who need to be taken care of." Jin accepted his defeat.

"Thank you for tonight, Hyung, see you tomorrow." Jungkook uttered.

Jin thumbs up and left the cabin to go back to his duty. Jungkook lay down beside Taehyung and stared at him. He will make sure to make the person who's behind this suffering.

"Have you made that omega sign?"

"Yes, my lord, I got the signature you wanted." The delivery man responded by giving the paper with Taehyung's signature.

"As I expected, I knew I can trust you with this."

"Should I proceed to the next plan?" The delivery man asked.

"Yes, make sure that omega won't say much. That will be our proof that he accepted the contract."

"I understand, my lord, but how about the Alpha? Should I kill him or not?" The delivery inquired.

"No, I want him to enjoy my preparation. I don't want him to die yet, I am the one who will do that with my hands. All you need to do is to proceed to the next plan."

"Okay, my lord, I will go now." The delivery man bowed his head to show his respect to that someone whose alias was "my lord" and left that person alone.

"You shouldn't have come with him, tsk, tsk, tsk, such a stupid move to do so."

My lord chuckled, knowing the plans are going well as expected.

"I won't go this far if you just see my efforts. Unfortunately, you made me do this, I can't help myself anymore. I'm here to get what belongs to me."

My lord's eyes shined red while looking at the full moon in the sky.

"I apologize, but I don't regret doing this. You should know whom you originally belong to."

My lord's wolf let out a frustrated growl, howling for a specific person's appearance.

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