Chapter 15: Just talk

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Chapter 15: Just talk

The shivering omega was watching Jungkook go near the vampire. His heart was beating so fast, nervous about what will happen to the Alpha. Vampires' strength can't be noticed through their physical appearances. They were truly unbelievable when it comes to their strength. Unlike wolves, their strength was visible through the ranks.

"What's your problem?" Jungkook asked the vampire who looked at him sternly.

"I don't have a problem but that omega inside your car, he's mine." The Vampire responded pointing at Taehyung.

"You must be kidding me." Jungkook snickered.

"I'm not kidding with you, that omega is my partner. Don't worry, I won't do anything to him. We just got into an argument that's why he ran away from me." The vampire smiled innocently.

"You really got some guts to lie on me. That omega was obviously not yours." Jungkook smirked.

"Come on, dude, just give me what's mine and I won't bother you." The vampire stated annoyed.

"Okay, I will give him to you but tell me what's his name first." Jungkook said, crossing his arms.

"Why would I tell you? He's my partner, there's no way I tell my boyfriend's name to a stranger like you." The vampire stated.

"Tell me his name and I will give him." Jungkook stayed firm.

"Why do you want to know? Are you interested in my boyfriend? I know his beautiful but I don't share what's mine." The vampire also stayed in his act.

"You don't know his name so you won't get him."

Jungkook turned around to leave the vampire's bullshit.

"His name...!"

The Alpha waited for him to finish his sentence.

"His name is Kim...


Kim Hyun!"

Jungkook snickered before turning around to face the stupid vampire.

"Kim Hyun my ass, such a stupid liar bastard." Jungkook mocked him.

"What did you just call me?! Who do you think you are to call me a liar, huh?! I didn't fucking lie!" The vampire growled.

"You heard it right, you are a fucking stupid bastard." Jungkook smirked not even stuttering in his words.

"Fuck you!"

The vampire used his speed to attack Jungkook but the Alpha was fast enough to grab him by his neck and tightened the grip around the vampire's neck.

Jungkook's eyes were glowing red while glaring at the vampire. The vampire was having a hard time breathing and levitating because of the Alpha's strength.

"I don't like such a filth vampire like you to touch me."

He slammed the vampire on the ground causing the vampire to hiss in pain when his back collided with the cold road.

"You're so weak" Jungkook kicked the vampire on his stomach.

He grabbed the vampire's collar, forcing him to stand up even though the vampire can't do anything to fight back.

"I don't like sharing mine as well. You claimed the wrong person, asshole." Jungkook punched him in the stomach.

The vampire let out blood in his mouth and his body went limp against the Alpha.

"You should know me first if I ever find out you did something to my omega, I will make sure to hunt you down and kill you."

Jungkook literally threw him away from the road and his back collided with the restaurant's wall. The vampire let out a loud groan, head spinning, and body collapsed on the ground.

See, Jungkook literally JUST TALKED with the vampire.

Taehyung swallowed hard, he felt relief but horrible as well. He didn't know if he breathes or moves from his seat. What he just witnessed was horrifying. He didn't see such a thing as that before. He knew it was common for vampires and wolves to fight but nowadays, it wasn't.

Jungkook dusted off his hands and went inside his car. He checked the omega who was obviously scared. He released pheromones to calm down Taehyung which works slowly because the omega's sniffles get quiet. He started his car's engine and drive away from the place.

They finally arrived in front of Taehyung's cabin. The silence was engulfing their atmosphere maybe because of what happened while they were going out of the car.

"Pup, are you okay?" Jungkook started to ease the quietness between them.

Taehyung turned around because his back was facing the Alpha.

"I'm— I'm fine, just scared, that's it." Taehyung uttered without looking at him.

He just kept staring at the ground while fidgeting with his fingers. He slightly flinched when Jungkook held his hands. He looked at the Alpha, swallowing hard.

"Can you please tell me what did he do to you to make you scared like this?" Jungkook was worried.

"I—It's not that bad, he was just being a pervert and threatened me to suck my blood, nothing else." Taehyung explained, biting his bottom lip.

"Are you sure, pup? You can tell me anything. I'm here now, I will protect you. You don't have to be scared of him, I can assure you he won't get new any closer to you." Jungkook stated, assuring him.

"Yes, Jungkook, that only happened. He was mad because I hurt him. I guess I pissed him off." Taehyung clarified.

"He didn't harm you in any way?" Jungkook asked to make sure everything was fine.

Taehyung shook his head as a 'no' and Jungkook sighed.

"Okay, I'm glad nothing else happened. I promise you, love, no one will hurt you as long as I'm with you, hm? So don't be scared." Jungkook cupped his cheeks, caressing them.

"Thank you, Jungkook." Taehyung mumbled, smiling.

"Get inside now, you will be safe there. I'll be back tomorrow to check on you." Jungkook pecked the omega's forehead.

Taehyung nodded his head, he turned around and leave the Alpha to go inside his cabin. Jungkook pushed his hair to the back and poked his tongue in his inner cheeks.

It seems like he had to clean the dirt tonight. It will surely be a long night for him. He turned around and walked to his car while calling someone.

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