Chapter 23: Delivery

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Chapter 23: Delivery

They later arrived at Taehyung's cabin. The Alpha went out of the car first and opened the door of the car for him.

“Thank you for driving me, Jungkook.” Taehyung smiled when he came out of the car.

“You're welcome, I'm sorry if that man bothers you because of me.” Jungkook responded with an apology.

“No, it's okay, besides, you played with him well.” Taehyung giggled.

“Play?” Jungkook seemed to be sounded confused.

“Yeah, you act wonderful as if I'm your spouse. I'm sure he would believe it because you sounded convincing.” Taehyung retorted.

“Oh, you think it's a good act.” Jungkook uttered.

“Right, if you're not a CEO, I will think acting is a good fit for you.” Taehyung playfully chuckled.

“If you're my main lead, I would love that.” Jungkook grinned.

“Huh?” Taehyung thought he didn't hear it right.

“Nothing, I said you're cute.”

Jungkook chuckled and ruffled the omega's hair instead.

“You should go inside now, it's time for you to take a rest.” Jungkook told him.

“Okay, see you tomorrow, Jungkook.” Taehyung smiled softly at the Alpha.

“See you tomorrow too, pup.” Jungkook smiled back.

Taehyung walked to his cabin while Jungkook watched him get inside before he went to his car. He started his car and drove away from Taehyung's cabin.

Taehyung just finished taking a quick shower. He was currently drying his hair with a towel and walking down to take a look at his fridge. He felt hungry and wasn't sure if he got food left. He opened the fridge and pouted a bit when he saw nothing. He forgot to fill his fridge due to his busy work.

Suddenly, he heard the doorbell ring. He was confused about who will be that person.

“Okay, I'm coming.” He told the person behind the door because the doorbell kept ringing.

He stood up in front of the door and opened it. He was kind of surprised to a delivery man wearing a helmet while holding a pizza box.

“Delivery for Taehyung, is that you, sir?” The delivery man asked him.

For some reason, Taehyung dislikes the delivery man's scent. He felt it was not a good one. That kind of scent means something dangerous.

“Uh, I'm Kim Taehyung, but I didn't order any pizza, I think it's a mistake.” Taehyung responded.

He was sure he didn't order any pizza tonight. He couldn't even properly see the delivery man's face because of the helmet.

“Is this your address?” The delivery man showed him his phone to check the address written on it.

“Yeah, this is my address, but I'm sure that I didn't order anything. Is there someone who ordered it?” Taehyung was curious to know who it was.

“The name is Mr. J, he's the one who ordered it. He also paid for the pizza, so you don't need to worry about the payment. All you need to do is to sign this form.” The delivery man replied.

Taehyung was confused, but he thought it might be Jungkook's initial.

“Okay.” Taehyung just accepted the delivery since he is hungry right now.

The delivery man handed him the form first, and Taehyung signed it.

“Thank you.” Taehyung thanked the delivery man after taking the pizza.

He noticed a skull formed into the vampire's teeth on the back of the delivery man's hand. He was sure he had seen it before, but he couldn't tell where and when. The delivery man simply bowed his head and left Taehyung's cabin. Taehyung failed to notice the smirk plastered on the delivery man's face, walking away from him.

Taehyung closed the door and locked it to make sure of his safety. He sat down on the couch, opening the pizza box to eat one slice of pizza. He set down the pizza box on the table and took a bite of the pizza before grabbing his phone on the couch to contact Jungkook and thank him for the food.

He dialed Jungkook's number while munching the pizza, waiting for Jungkook to answer his calls. Later on, Jungkook finally picked up his phone.

“Pup, why did you call? Do you need something?” Jungkook's voice can be heard.

“Nothing, I just want to thank you for buying pizza for me. I really appreciate it. I was starving right now and the delivery came at the right time.” Taehyung stated genuinely.

“What are you talking about, pup?” Jungkook sounded confused.

“The pizza, didn't you buy it for me under your pseudonym, Mr. J?” Taehyung inquired.

“I'm sorry, pup, but I didn't order anything for you. If you're hungry, you should've told me before I left your cabin.” Jungkook told him.

“But, who ordered this for me? I got a delivery from someone and I thought it was you.” Taehyung bit his bottom lip, eyeing the pizza.

“I don't know who did that, but have you eaten that pizza?” Jungkook asked him.

“Y-yeah, I-I already ate one slice. What is going to happen to me, Jungkookie? Am I in danger?” Taehyung felt scared that something might happen to him.

“Are you feeling odd? Pain? Or something?” Jungkook inquired with a hint of worry in his tone.

“Nuh-nothing, but my sight, Jungkookie…”

“What's happening? Are you okay?” Jungkook kept asking him.

“I-It's getting blurry, I-I felt dizzy too. What's happening to me?” Taehyung sniffled, not knowing what was happening to his body.

“Just wait for me, pup, I'm going there now. Hold on for a moment, okay? Can you do that for me, baby?” Jungkook ran outside his house to go back to Taehyung's place.

“I-I don't know, I felt sleepy, Jungkookie. I want to…”

“Taehyung? What's happening? Are you okay?”

Jungkook cursed under his breath when he heard a beep sound coming from the call. He rushed inside his car and recklessly drove away from his horse. He can't help but blame himself right now. He knew someone was following them earlier, but he thought the target was him, not Taehyung.

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