Chapter 14: Creepy stranger

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Chapter 14: Creepy stranger

Their lunch(date) ended already, and Taehyung was inside the department and doing his work. He was typing on his computer when he heard murmurs.

"Don't you think that dating article about Mr. Jeon is sus?"

"What do you mean?"

"We all knew that when Mr. Jeon got dating scandal, he will remove them from all of the sites immediately. But this one was still all over the sites. And it is almost a day since the article was published."

"I get it, I mean, he should have already made action about it. He never missed taking down all of them."

"Right, but this time, he didn't even bother to care about it. I'm sure he saw that article already."

"What if that means was because it's true? What if he was giving people hints?"

"I don't doubt that, I think the same thing too."

"My gosh, that's so insane if it's true."

Taehyung wanted to argue with them, and tell them it was not true. But he should have proper proof to show them. He can't simply tell that it was him or else it will get suspicious.


He dramatically flinched when Taeui tapped his shoulder. Everyone in the department was looking at him.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Taeui uttered seeing how Taehyung flinched.

"It's fine, I... I was just thinking of something that's why I didn't notice you were coming. I overreacted. What do you need?" Taehyung muttered, rubbing the back of his neck to hide his embarrassment.

"I just want to tell you that there will be a party in Mica's house. You know, she will celebrate her birthday. She's pretty rich." Taeui stated.

"I'll check my schedule first, but I will try to come." Taehyung smiled a bit.

"Okay, I will tell her." Taeui smiled back and left.

Taehyung sighed and shook his head. He decided to go back to his work instead.


Finally, Taehyung's work ended. He was currently waiting for the bus to come. He was sitting on the bench in the waiting area while scrolling through his phone. It's also dark now and kinda frightening mostly if there's a strange creepy person with him.

He was trying to act natural so that person won't notice that he was scared or something. He bit his bottom lip when that person was standing in front of him, facing toward him.

"You're an omega, right?"

He swallowed hard when he heard that person's deep voice. He slowly looked up nervously and saw the person's eyes glow red literally scaring him.

"Yes, why?" He was proud of himself that he didn't stutter.

He also used his deep voice to show that he wasn't weak or something.

"I see, no wonder why I can smell your alluring scent and it already gives me a boner." That person smiled maniacally.


"I was thinking how about your blood? I'm sure they will taste delicious as well." That person licked his fangs.

Taehyung's eyes widened realizing that it was a vampire. He stood up to show his dominance but the vampire was buff.

"I don't think you can do that, do you know it was illegal?" Taehyung shot back.

"Do you think they will notice us? We're not noticeable in the crowd." The vampire walked closer to him but Taehyung punched him in the face.

"Such a bastard" Taehyung turned around but his wrist was grabbed by the vampire who pulled him closer.

His back was pressing on the vampire's chest and quickly grabbed his neck giving pressure on it. He was having a hard time breathing.

"Feisty omega, I like it."

He shivered when the vampire licked his earlobe.

"Let me go!" Taehyung squirmed around but he failed.

"Don't worry, I will just bite you in your neck, and trust me, the pain will go away." The vampire chuckled in his ear.

Taehyung gritted his teeth, he stomped on the vampire's feet. The vampire let him go. He turned around and kicked the vampire in the groin. He also punched him in the face causing the vampire to fall to the ground. He immediately runs away from the scene to escape from him.

Tears were falling from his eyes due to nervousness. He was terrified and worried, he knew how fast a vampire was. They were like teleporting. He doesn't know where he should go.

He ran on the road and almost got crashed into the car coming toward him. He flinched when he heard the horn. He looked at the driver and was a relief when he saw who it was. He went to the car's door knocking on it.

"Please, open the door, Jungkook, please help me" He cried while knocking.

Confused and worried Jungkook opened the door and Taehyung immediately went inside the car beside the driver's car.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked the shivering omega beside him.

"Please, drive fastly, please." Taehyung didn't respond properly.

He was shaking anxiously while crying.

"Pup, calm down, can you please tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook wants an answer.

"I'll answer them all, okay?! Just drive, I want to go away from here! I don't want to be here. Let's leave." Taehyung sobbed, hugging his knees.

"Fine, but please, pup, calm down. You're fine, you're safe with me." Jungkook assured him but it didn't work.

The omega keeps crying and shaking. When Jungkook starts his car, he felt the car jolt. He looked in front of him and saw a person, glaring at them with glowing red eyes, and pressing the front of the car.

"Who the fuck is this stupid vampire?" Jungkook muttered, glaring back at the vampire.

"No, no, no, please start the car! Let's leave! Jungkook!" Taehyung was terrified of seeing the vampire.

He was shaking the Alpha's arm, alarming him to leave the road.

"Just stay here, pup."

Jungkook simply told the omega and unfastened the seatbelt.

"No, please don't go! He will kill us!" Taehyung stopped him, clenching tightly on his arm.

"I told you, trust me, I will just talk to him so he won't bother you anymore, hm?" Jungkook smiled at him.


The Alpha came out of the car, making sure the door was locked. Sure, he was just going to talk with that vampire.

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