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I opened the door slowly, balancing mine and Wilbur's dinner in my arms.

I stepped inside and announced, "IM HOME!"

"Be down in a minute!" Shouted Wilbur from upstairs. I assumed he hadn't moved from the place I left him.

I was grabbing two plates out of the cabinet when I heard Will clear his throat from behind me.

He sat down at the table and waited as I dished out the food. I began to eat, as I was literally starving.

"Wait for a minute," said Wilbur quickly.

"What're we gonna do? Say grace?"

"I have a surprise for you, brat," said Will, pulling a thin package from out of his hoodie pocket.

"For me?" I asked, covering my mouth in a fake shock/surprise.

"Don't wet yourself," said Wilbur.

"Way to rain on my parade," I said, pulling the long ribbon off the box.

I opened the box slowly, revealing...

"Will," I said breathlessly, "WILL!"

He just smiled.


"I did."

I clutched the plane ticket in my hand as I jumped up to give Wilbur a huge hug.

"One plane ticket to Texas," said Wilbur.

"YOU ARE THE BESSTTT!" I screamed as I ran as fast as I could up the stairs.

I snatched my phone and called Nick as quickly as my fingers would let me. He picked up after the first ring.

"Hey R-,"


"Okay, okay," he said calmly, "just chill."

"How are you not freaking out?" I yelled.

"Um, cause I knew the whole time," said Nick.


"I've been talking with Wilbur for weeks," he said, "you guys are all coming to stay at my place for a week."

"Guys?" I said, "oh my- don't tell me that DREAM AND GEORGE WILL BE THERE TOO OHMYGOD!!"

Nick just laughed softly and I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Yep, you guys will be here for a whole week," said Nick.

"Wait," I said, looking at my ticket, "this flight is in two days. I need to pack! Okay Nick, we'll talk later okay? Okay."

"Okay, bye Ryl-,"

"Yes, bye. Love you!" I yelled as I quickly hung up the phone.

I ran around my room frantically, struggling to pack. What was the weather like in Texas? Would we be filming? What were we gonna do there? What was the plan?

"Hey Will!" I shouted, "can you please help me?"


"And while you're gone, I'm gonna go meet up with Tommy and Tubbo again," said Wilbur.

"That's cool," I said, "Will I'm kind of nervous."

"Nervous?" Wilbur asked.

I looked at him. He was sitting on my bed over my suitcase, folding my clothes so they'd all fit.

"I dunno," I said, "I've just been talking to these people for so long and I consider them my best friends but, I don't even really, know them? Ya know?"

"Well that's the problem with having friends over the internet," said Wilbur, "you can feel so close, yet so far at the same time."

"I guess," I said.

We continued to pack in silence.

Once my suitcase was packed and ready, I quickly packed a carry on bag filled with my laptop, charging equipment, some flying essentials, and other things to do on the long plane ride, since the probability of me sleeping was nearly zero.

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