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( So when the last chapter ends Kimui was going to show Kakashi memories of Hanare's         'aka Kimui's mothers' death. So enjoy. )

Mangekyou Sharingan POV

It's dark. Guess its night. Kakashi thought." Mommy! What was that?" Kakashi hears and he walks down the stairs sees a little girl. "Onēsan, what are you doing to mommy?" The little girl says. "Kimui run! Run fast, find your father." Hanare screams. 

"Chidori!" The unknown person says. "I will have those eyes." She screamed at the little girl. The person runs towards the little girl, and blood splatters everywhere. 

"NO!" Kakashi shouts out but no one can hear him.

"Mommy!!!!" The little girl screams with tears in her eyes. "Mommy please come back, come back." She keeps crying. ANBU starts to arrive the scene and the intruder leaves. 

One of the ANBU walk's up to the girl and the corps of her mother and crouches down to her level. "Hey kid, are you alright." The ANBU asks. The girl looks up and the ANBU sees her eyes and moves back. It was a mangekyou sharingan.  "Are you that kid" the ANBU said taking his weapon.  

"W-wait please." She said as the ANBU slashed his weapon at her. The sound of weapons clashing was heard in the room. 

There was light. The  scene started to dissolve and showed a new place. 

There was the little girl walking down the road covered in bandages. And out of nowhere a man came and stabbed her leg. She screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The villagers started to approach the scene. The girl tried to get up but was punched in the stomach by a villager. 

The villagers surrounded the girl and her screams were heard above the laughter of the villagers. 

The world started spinning again. And then it showed the kazekage's office. 

Standing there was a silver haired girl and a light brown haired boy with the twin sword. 

Kimui! Kakashi thought. 

"Lord Mizukage you have some news." The boy said. "Yes! I have some news for you both." The Mizukage said. "Kimui, are you from the mist?" he asked. 

"Well, no I'm not from the mist." Kimui answered truthfully. "Then are you a spy, from the hidden leaf." The Mizukage asked. "No, I'd never even-"

"Mizukage sama, is there any need of our service." The ANBUs asked stepping out of the shadow. "No, no need." The Mizukage answers. 

"Kagura, where does your loyalty lie?" The Mizukage asks. "With you, lord Mizukage." The boy answers. "Alright then, I order you to kill Kimui, we have intel that she is a spy and we don't tolerate spies". Kimui flinched and backed away slowly." Kagura? We're friends you won't hurt me right?" Kimui asks scared. "We're the same remember?" she spoke again in a trembling voice. 

"I don't care. I will follow orders Kagura slashed his sword and the she disappeared with a substitution left behind.

Kakashi's POV   

I came back to the real world from the Tsukuyomi and it was already sun down. I sat processing what I saw for a while and then looked at Kimui who was sitting more still than I have ever seen. "Kimui are you alright" I said to her. And I shook her trying to wake her. "Kimui, snap out of it." I said worried. I got close to her and pulled her into an embrace. And I felt her trying to pull herself free from my grip. I let her go and she looked at me, her eyes swelled in tears and blood streaking down her face.

"I'm sorry." she said crying. "It's alright there's nothing to be sorry for Kimui, it's going to be okay now." I say reassuringly. "I-I know, who killed her." She stuttered wiping her tears. 

Hello readers so how do you like this chapter. I think I even cried writing it. Her past is just upsetting. Anyways just for your information this is happening in the boruto series right after they became genin. So keep reading. 📖📖

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