Team mates and New friends.

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Kimui's POV

As I walked up to the training ground I see the Sarada who I met yesterday. And a blonde boy who looks a lot like the Hokage and a boy with blue hair and pale skin. Sarada was annoyed with I don't know what, and the blonde was talking continuously and the other one just stood there smiling.

"Hey guys!" Konohamaru sensei said teleporting in front of them. "So you will be having a new teammate from today onwards." He said. "Hi! I'm Kimui Hatake." I said giving them my signature fake smile. "Hi! I'm Boruto, and this is Mitsuki." Boruto spoke. "Nice to meet you, Boruto, Mitsuki, Sarada." I said. "Wait how'd you know Sarada." Boruto asked surprised. "Because we met before you baka." Sarada said annoyed. "Is it true that you're lord sixths daughter?" Mitsuki asked all of a sudden.

"Come on Mitsuki Just because her hair color is like old man Kakashi's it doesn't mean she's his daughter." Boruto said before I could answer. "Boruto she is actually Kakashi sama's daughter." Konohamaru sensei said. "What? Really!" Boruto said more surprised. I nodded as gave him a fake smile. (Just to make sure Kimui doesn't smile for real, not yet at least) "So you guys will be rivals right?" Mitsuki said.

"Why would you say that?" I said not wanting to fight anyone yet. "Well you see that Boruto's father is the Hokage and Kimui your father is the sixth Hokage, I just thought that Kimui would have the same view towards her father like boruto." Mitsuki explained.

"Alright now we are here today to train so let's get to it." Konohamaru sensei said to cut the tension. "So today you will spar, Boruto with Mitsuki, Sarada with Kimui, let's begin." He said once again. "Wait sensei I want to spar with Kimui you always make me spar with Mitsuki." Boruto exclaimed. "Alright fine Sarada and Mitsuki you will go first". Konohamaru sensei said annoyed.

Sarada and Mitsuki were fighting and they were pretty evenly matched. After for almost half an hour Konohamaru sensei told them to stop and told Boruto and me to fight.

Boruto threw five shuriken at me which I dodged with ease. "Shadow clone jutsu" he said creating five clones that ran at me each with a Kunai. I activated my sharingan surprising my whole team except for Konohamaru sensei. "Fire style: flower flame" I say as I blow fire destroying all the clones. I land gracefully on a tree branch. "Wind style gale palm," I hear Boruto shout from behind me giving me no time to escape. He hit me on the back and to his amazement I turned into lightning. Boruto went pretty far through the blast at was on the ground when I showed up from behind a tree.

"Good job all of you, your skills are very well improved." Konohamaru sensei said smiling. He dismissed us for the day and I left to go home.

"Hey Kimui, I didn't know you lived around here." Sarada said walking up to me." So one of your parents is an Uchiha right?" she asked again. "Not really. Why do you ask Sarada?" I say as we reach the village center. "Well I was just curious, we're friends anyways right?" Sarada asks. "Of course, why not." I say calmly. "Heeey Saradaa!" Someone shout out.

Sarada's POV

Cho cho walks up to me and with her team. "Oh hey guys, how are you doing?" I say smiling. "Who's your new friend Sarada?" Shikadai asks lazily. "Oh yeah! Guys this is Kimui Hatake, Kimui this is Cho cho, Inojin and Shikadai." I say introducing them to each other. "Nice to meet you" Kimui says smiling. "Hey, nice meet you too. We're team ten." Cho cho says.

"So the rumors are true lord sixth has a daughter." Shikadai says after Kimui left. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well we heard from Moegi sensei that she came from another village and no one knows her past." Shikadai says bored.

Hmm then who is Kimui really? I thought.

A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book1) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now