Runaways Again

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Welcome back. Just so you guys know, we've just completed one third of the story. Btw, I am obsessed with this song.

Hiccup reached inside the bag around Toothless and took the spair tail out. Quickly, as if it was of second nature to him, he placed the mechanism around the real tail and mounted Toothless. Astrid followed.

"HICCUP. COME BACK HERE!" He shouted out. But his son wasn't listening. And neither was Astrid.

"Stoick. Ihs too late," Gobber placed a hand on his shoulder and Stoick could do nothing but sigh.

"What am I going to do with him Gobber?"

"Maybe yer need teh juhs think abou' everything thahs 'appened and then you can decide." Stoick's face grew uncertain but he knew it may be his only chance.


"If I may intercept," Stoick looked towards the girl who had joined them, "I may be able to find them if they're still on Berk. I mean, it's worth a try is it not?"

"The lass may be onta somethin Stoick," Spitelout interrupted, "She migh' be able ter find out whatever they're planning."

Stoick frowned, his eyebrows demonstrating his deep thought. They were right. He needed to know exactly what was going on through their minds.

"Find them and see what they're up to." She nodded and began to run in the general direction of the dragons.

With Hiccup and Astrid

They flew to the cove and Hiccup jumped off and screamed. He kneeled down next to the lake and splashed water on his face violently.  Astrid ran to his side.

"Hiccup. You need to calm down."

"How? How can I Astrid? When he made it clear that he doesn't care about me." Astrid could hear him choking on his words so she sat next to him, gripping his arm.

"I know."

"I mean. He didn't even say anything about this," he said, pointing to his metal leg, "That could of been the first thing he asked about when he found out who I was but no. All he cares about is his pride."

"You know what I think? I think the both of you need a little bit more time away from each other. Today proved that. I know that deep inside, you wanted to see him. He's your father, you can't help it. But I think we both know that everything that happened to day just shows that he can't accept us or the dragons. Now maybe by him knowing a little more will help him but let him make that choice. And when he's ready, he'll have to find us himself." By the end of her talk, Hiccup had calmed down. Though, water was still dripping down from his hair and face.

"And what if I'm not ready?" He whispered, a tear slipping down his cheek and clinging on to his jaw. Astrid reached out and wiped it before cupping his face into her hands.

"Then make it known babe. Because you have that choice too," she pecked him on the lips and then hugged him, making him lose his balance. Both of them toppled onto the ground. Astrid sat up and pulled him towards her before dusting his back from any dirt.

"What did I do to deserve you? Sometimes I think you're an angel. And I'm just a measly human."

"Me? An angel? Well I'm a very uncontrollable one then. I bet the Gods have never seen an angel wield an axe before." Hiccup smiled.

"You're right. Not an angel. A valkarye."

"A valkarye who would do anything to protect you."

Hiccup placed his head on her shoulder and smiled at the light of the sun. He let himself go as tears began to fall rapidly. He buried his face into her shoulder and felt her hand caress his hair gently. They stayed like that for half an hour, Hiccup crying, Astrid shedding a few tears herself. Toothless and Stormfly curled up against them as a means of comfort and Toothless settled his head on his best friend's lap.

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