Life-Long Bonds

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I-uh may have left my hw to the last minute so I didn't have time in the weekend to upload. Sorry guys. School has started again so I won't be able to post twice a week all the time. I'll try as much as I can but we are at the halfway point which is more than I expected to be at.

"I'm afraid that all the guest houses are being prepared for everyone who's coming from outside for the wedding. So you'll have to stay with some of us. Uhh Dad, you can stay in my house. Gobber you can stay there too. Mum, if you want, you can stay at our house as well to catch up with dad."

"I think that's a good idea. In the meantime, we can put half of the berk council elders in my home."

"Exactly what I was thinking."

"I'll go take out anything I need," she turned to the door, running out, calling Ckoudjumper to follow her.

"Sigyn, can you take the twins?" She nodded eagerly.

"Can I go with them too?" A voice asked. Heads turned to Fishlegs, "It's just that I haven't really spent the night without my sweetheart since we got married."

"Did you just say sweetheart?" Astrid said in shock, pointing back and forth between Ruffnut and Fishlegs.

"You should look at your faces. Priceless! I mean, I wasn't going to marry Snotlout now, was I. Besides, once you get to know him, my husband is the sweetest most smartest and most adorable man alive."

"Aww sweetiepie. You are the cutest, prettiest, most chaotic person in my life." He said, walking towards her and squeezing her cheeks and making kissy faces at her.

"Ugh. They remind of Dagur and Mala at the beginning of their relationship."

"I thought you got jealous of them because they were like that."

"I think we can both agree that back then I had some issues. But we sorted that out."

"Uuhh," Stoick, who was the nearest to them, queried, "What are those strange noises you're making?"

"N-nothing! I think you're hearing things. Uuh, anyways. Where was I? Fishlegs, you can go with them too. Eret, how many people can you take?"

"About 5," he shook his head, "No, sorry, 4. Heather is staying at mine when she comes."

"Okay, that leaves 2 people," Hiccup made eye contact with Snotlout, "Spitelout. You and your son will also be staying with us."

"We-we will?"

"You are my cousin after all, aren't you?"

Snotlout gaped at his cousin and began to feel a fuzzy sense of warmth that he didn't expect. Even after all these years, Hiccup still saw him as his cousin. It made his heart swell. Though, not a lot.

The next morning

Snotlout had a bad start to the day. Gobber and his father snored like warthogs and when he tried to wake them up, he just got hit or flung out of the way. He barely got any sleep and now he had a headache.

He went to the table where Stoick and Valka were already sitting.

"Come sit Snotlout. And have some breakfast."

"Yes uncle Stoick."

"Hiccup! Stop. It tickles."

"Good. That means you're awake."

"I hate you," he heard Hiccup laugh and watched him skip down the stairs.

"You love me," he called back. He saw the three on the table, "Sorry about that. There are days when she just doesn't want to wake up," a spoon was thrown down the stairs, whacking Hiccup's ear, causing him to hiss.

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