Unwelcome Guests

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A few months later

They had done it.

They'd finally found Hiccup and Astrid again.

Currently, there was a small number of ships who had volunteered to come to the so called Island, sailing towards it. They'd be there in less than a day's time and Stoick felt multiple feelings all at once.

He felt a small bit of warmth build up in his heart at the prospect of seeing his son again. But he was also anxious. Last time he had seen his son, Hiccup had made it seem like he didn't want to see him, but could he blame him? It was his fault after all. He just hoped that he could show his son that he really wanted to make amends. If not now, Stoick dreaded to think that it would never happen. 

Gobber came to his side, "So, what are ya goin' to say ter him when you actually see him?"

"I guess the first thing I have to do is say sorry to him, don't I? And then we'll see because, if I'm being honest Gobber, I don't think he'll forgive me that easily."

"Don't be too sure of thah Stoick," he patted his friend on the back, "I knew thah boy just as well as you did. An' if I know one thing abou' 'im, i's thah he is more forgivin' than yer think."  

"How can you know?"

"Well. He forgave Astrid for ignorin' 'im all those years, di'nt he?" Stoick's eyes widened in realisation because he was right. If he was Hiccup, he wouldn't of forgiven her. But his son was too soft for his own good. 

He reminded him of Valka.

At the Island the next morning.

Hiccup opened his eyes to find a pair of huge green eyes staring at his face intensely, before proceeding to lick his face.

"Argh. Toothless. Why?" He asked, trying to wipe his face.

"I'm washing your face. Don't you do that at this time?" He replied with a smug smile.

"I hate you," Toothless stuck his tongue out.

Astrid came into the room with two cups and some cut fruit.

"Toothless, go downstairs. There's some salmon for you. You better eat it all or we're not going for a flight today."

"Okay moom." Astrid just laughed and shook her head as she watched the dragon happily bounce out of the doorway and down the stairs.

"Come on you big baby. It's time to get up," Hiccup just replied with a groan and placed his pillow over his head. Astrid rolled her eyes and walked towards his side of the bed, setting down the tray and pulling the pillow away from him. He looked at her with a sheepish smile whilst she stood there, hands on her hips, staring- maybe glaring- at him. He knew this wasn't a battle he would win.

"Ugh fine," he kicked the blanket off and swung his leg over, reaching for his prosthetic, "Any word from mum?"

"Yes actually," she passed a cup to him, "She said that they might be back earlier than expected. It seems that the group of trappers they found aren't particularly intelligent."

Valka and Sigyn had gone on a trip together to bring back a hoard of dragons that had been trapped recently. They hadn't gotten any letters from them in the past week, so Hiccup had begun to grow worried. However, everything seemed to be in order and it looked like they were coming home soon.

Hiccup stood up and walked to the cupboard, reaching out for his flight suit, finally ready to start the day.

A few moments later

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