Picnic Party

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     Finally Decked out is over, and a winner is gonna be announced. To celebrate, Tango decided to host a picnic to celebrate the first season of a great game! Everyone was going to join, and Tango even took some time to make mini versions of the initial game as some entertainment. It was going to start at 3, and was going to end whenever the last person left. Tango sighed in content as he looked around the picnic ground, it was no doubt going to be great.

Oh how wrong he was...

     As the clock Tango held ticked to 3, the hermits came almost simultaneously, Joehills with Cleo, False with her trusty bow on her shoulder, Xisuma with what seemed to be some cakes, and Mumbo Jumbo accompanied by Grian. Everyone was wearing a smile so wide you would have never known they were in middle of a war. Well, it seemed like that for their viewers. As much as a war would be good for them, they could never stand hating each other over a bunch of turf. Tango sat near the middle of the hill, and could feel the joy from every angle. He hoped that it would be like this everyday.

     "Oh, I almost forgot about the winner's ceremony." Tango bolted up to the pedestal he set up a while ago.

     "May I please have everyone's attention?" He said, the Hermit's eyes following his.

     "I would like to say that this evening was a great success, and it is quite sad we can't put it in our videos, but that is okay. The main reason I invited you to the picnic is to announce who won Decked Out. Drumroll please!" The ground started shaking under the hermit's feet." the winner is ETHO!!!! Congratulations bro, yo are the winner of Decked Out season one, and by a lot. Second place goes to Cubfan and Keralis!" Tango yelled at the top of his voice. Everyone cheered in delight and Etho seemed to be dancing and jumping in joy. In all, it was a great day for everyone!

     "Umm, you guys can stop drumrolling," Tango said out of the blue, it seemed just as loud as when he had first asked them to.

     "What are you talking about, everyone literally has a drink in their hands, how could we drumroll, but I do hear it..." Zombiecleo replied hesitantly.

     Just as she said that, the rumbling became louder and louder, as if something was coming from the ground. 

     "GRIAN!!! RUN, IT'S UNDER YOU!!!" Mumbo screamed. Grian ran as fast as his legs could take him, and right when Grian landed in Mumbo's arms, the ground broke.

     "Is that an Aether portal?" 

(Ok guys, the story is getting somewhere. I had a blast writing this chapter, and there was so much emotion in the story. I do realise that the way Grian and Mumbo act is a little close, but for some reason, it feels right to me. That doesn't mean I can stop, and if you feel like It's too much, go ahead and comment or message me about it, I won't get offended. Suggestions and questions are always welcome! Random question: What do you think is going to happen?) 

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