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     It's not everyday Grian gets to see his once thought dead mother. He was overjoyed to be a child again. Everyone was in a good mood. They were taking turns talking to Thalia, as most of them had never met their parents once they joined Hermitcraft, and to have such a motherly figure there made everyone tender-hearted. It went as far as to sitting on top of the hill, watching the stars from above (while holding Bdubs down), light chatter rising every other minute.  It was a serene day, and nothing could have made it better. On the contrary, there were a couple things that the other hermits enjoyed. Thalia kept shooting out little stories of Grian's childhood, and to hear about his childhood was funny, they even got Grian to laugh.

     Night had passed and day grew from the ground. Everyone yawned, as if they were coded to do so. Somehow, Bdubs had found a way to sleep on Iskall's shoulder, his snoring was upsetting, but everyone overlooked it. Grian was about to walk over to Mumbo when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to find his mother (who was way taller than him) looking down at him. She looked at him in a way that seemed to say 'follow me'. Grian followed his mother to a tree. He sat down on a stump that was nearby, and his mom leaned on the tree.

     "You know I can't stay," Thalia started, "and I know I wasn't the best mother, and I want to make it up to you." She continued. Grian stood a little taller. What was she getting to?

     "I want to take you home. I haven't had time with you, and I want to spend as much time as I can with you before I go back to the Aethers. You know, I escaped that place just to find you. If I'm now going to the nether, at least I will be there with my son." Thalia smiled, her eyes carrying  tears. Grian was moved, his mother really wanted to be with him, even after he left. He took a minute to think about it when he realised that his mom was asking him to leave hermitcraft, for good. Was leaving the family he created worth it if he could have the family he was born in. He never thought he would have to decide. What would Mumbo do? Well Mumbo had been here since he was 15, of course he would stay here. How about Xisuma? He has his brother in the nether, and he is the admin, he would never leave. Grian decided to go back to the other Hermits, he didn't want to be a party pooper, and decided he would tell his mother soon.

     The Party went on till noon, only because Xisuma decided that was enough fun. He forced all the Hermits to walk in the nether (safety reasons) in a straight line so that he could make sure no one fell of fatigue. One by one, the hermits reached their portal, and soon after a good nights sleep, they would continue their normal routine. Last was Mumbo, Grian, and Xisuma. Believing it would be a good time to tell them what his mom had offered, he stopped and turned around. Mumbo hit Grian but Grian caught him. Xisuma was just as tired, and almost fell down.

"Mymomwantedmetocomewithhertoourprivateserverwherewecouldlivehappily,butsoonthegaurdsoftheaetherwouldcomeandwewouldbebanishedwhichmeansIwouldnevercomebacktohermitcraft, Is that a good deal?" Grian spewed. Mumbo looked at him in confusion, and after a moment he got it, Grian was going to leave the world, for good.

"Are you sure its a good idea?" Mumbo's voice broke. He never thought Grian would ever leave, what would he do without his best friend.

"No," Grian simply answered.He didn't think this through,why did Grian not think it would hurt Mumbo. Grian felt terrible. Xisuma said nothing, he didn't have to. Xisuma didn't give opinions, he was always neutral, and Grian knew that Xisuma would be happy for him whichever choice he made.

What was he going to do?

(Oh my god I am so sorrrry for not uploadinnnng. I'm such a bad author. I left all y'all and I feel so bad. Well here's your chapter. Hope you are well, drink lots of water, and if you need a friend, I'm right here. Again sorry for the delay. Suggestions are welcome!!!)

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