-"Les humains craignent la mort,mais ils sont attirés par elles.-Dazai Osamu"
-"What are you,stupid?No,rhetorical qu
estions are rude.You're stupid.-Edogawa Ranpo"-"La justice est une arme.Elle peut servir à blesser mais pas à secourir.-Dazai Osamu"
-"A good book is always good,no matter how many times you've already read it.-Dazai Osamu"
-"You don't get to decide whether someone is worthy of being alive!Why couldn't you tell her something different?People need to be told they're worthy of being alive by someone else or they can't go on.Why can't you understand such a simple thing?!-Nakajima Atsushi"
-"I'm not trying to be mean here,but you should not go to where you're headed.You should reconsider.If you go you'll die.-Edogawa Ranpo"
-"No matter how powerful it maybe,a pawn is just a pawn.-Akutagawa Ryunosuke"
Bonjour,je vous souhaite de bonne vacances à tous.Vu que c'est bientôt Halloween,quel sera votre déguisement?
AcakDans ce livre vous retrouverez des citations: -De film -Disney -De manga/animé Et peut être autre chose? Début:07/02/2020 Fin:?/?/? Publication tout les dimanche.