B6 Part One

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(I mean like, the first chuck of this is almost a duplicate of the first four minutes of the anime adaptation)

(Hello everyone! And welcome to my Komahina Angels Of Death Au! Before proceeding I just want to clarify some things. Angels of Death AU for me means it's the same concept as in floors and floor masters and such but I'm changing somethings there up. For instance, the floors aren't going to be like the game/anime, I'll be inventing the challenges myself! Also if you haven't played the game/seen the anime don't worry everything will be explained as I see fit! Without further ado, enjoy!)


   ...Where am I?

Laying on my back in a seemingly-empty room on some sort of bed...probably. The floor, the ceiling, the walls, all of them are lead-grey. Odd stains pepper the walls, the color of dirt or long-dried blood. Well, hopefully it's not blood.

Upon sitting up slowly, head aching, I note a window on my left-hand side. Right outside it, is a full moon, giving off a bluish hue. It seems so bright and unnatural one wouldn't help but wonder if it's even real.

Glancing to the other side of this small, cramped room, I notice a door. A way out of here, perhaps?

Yet...I'm still at the hospital, right? This place is so unfamiliar, not anything like the hospital from my memories. Am I still at the hospital, even?

It's so different, I feel I don't know anything about this place. I don't know anything about this place but certainly all the answers are out that door. Judging by the vibes, this area is deserted so naturally I should go explore what's going on beyond that door and figure out exactly what is going on, correct?

I slowly slide off the bed and test the doorknob. It's unlocked.

I throw my weight against the door, twisting the knob. It opens easily and I pass through the doorway without a second thought.

I stumble into a long, narrow corridor. I can't see if there's anything at the end; the lights in here are far too dim to see beyond ten feet ahead from where I'm standing. The floor, from what I can feel through my feet, is some sort of thick metal, what kind I cannot say.

I begin cautiously moving down the hall, lightly dragging my fingers over the wall so I can't stumble or anything. It's not like I can stay in one place forever, after all.

A little ways down the hall, I come across a message lazily scrawled on the wall next to a newly-found door.

Who really are you?

You should ask yourself

Who am I?

The true side

Hope or Despair?

Know yourself and the doors will open.

Such a peculiar message. Hope? Despair? Who I am really? What could this all possibly mean?

I carefully twist the knob of the new door with caution. To my mild surprise, it opens easily and I enter the room, seemingly on autopilot.

In the center of the room is a small wooden table. Atop it is an ancient-looking typewriter. There is yellow paper already visibly loaded into it. On the other side of the wall is an elevator. It appears to be closed off to any possible cargo by a chain-linked gate.

I slowly approach the typewriter and to my surprise it begins to move on it's own!

W h o a r e y o u ?

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