B2 Part One

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We've been landed at B2 for a while now. Hajime and I had both fallen asleep on the way up here but I've seemed to have waken up first.

The split doors reveal what appear to be...some sort of battle zone? The ground is made of dirt, scattered with empty bullet shells, the air heavy with dust. There are boxes and barrels as far as the eye can see.

What kind of challenges await us here then? I don't want Hajime to get shot again...

Hajime stirs next to me, emitting a lazy groan. He grabs at his injured shoulder, squinting at me.

"How long have we been here?" He asks sleepily. I shrug.

"Not sure. I fell asleep as well." I answer. He pulls himself into a sitting position.

"I had an odd dream...we were back in that maze and I had you cornered. To get by me, you kissed me...did that actually happen?" He wonders. I hesitate.

"I-I...I mean...uh..." I stutter. He blinks in shock.

"So you did do that." He confirms. I nod, staring at the ground. Hajime climbs to his feet, grabbing his weapon. "Remind me to return the favor."

R-Return the favor?! As in, he's going to kiss me?! I....someone as wonderful as Hajime...kissing me of his own freewill...

"Oi, Marshmallow, are you coming?" He calls over his shoulder. I'm on my feet in an instant, hurrying to catch up to him.

We walk in silence for a few moments, the floormaster yet to make themselves known. Hajime shivers.

"This place is really giving me the creeps," He admits, "where the fuck is the exit?"

"I imagine it won't be revealed to us until we face some more challenges." I respond. He furrows his brow.

"What kind of challenges do we face in a place like this?! A shoot-off or something?"

"Hopefully not, I'd like not to shoot you again, if I can."

"Interesting commentary."

"I'd like to think so."

In the distance, there is the sudden sound of an explosion, causing smoke to fill our vision. When it begins in the distance, I can see a figure approaching us, holding an assault riffle between their black finger gloves.

As they get closer, we can see it appears to be a female. She has short black hair and sparkling light-purple eyes. She's wearing a long-sleeved white blouse with it's sleeves rolled up to her elbows under a brown vest and over a dark-brown pleated skirt. She's absolutely stunning.

"Um...hey." I greet her nervously. She doesn't respond, she only continues to pierce us with her cold, unforgiving stare. Hajime glares at her.

"You better answer him or else!" He demands. She wordlessly swings her gun around to point it at him.

"Or else what?," She asks him, "what are you going to do? How would you plan to do that? I know everything about you and this floor, and you know absolutely nothing. You will die instantly."

Hajime's face reduces to a glower.

"I suppose I should introduce myself...that's what we're told to do anyway..."

"Who? Who told you to?!" Hajime demands. I give him an angry look, silencing him.

"As I was saying...my name is Mukuro. I'm surprised you've made it this far, considering all the genius that went into this entire 'game.' Congratulations are in order." She says.

"What do we have to do on this floor, Miss Mukuro?" I ask politely. Her glare deepens.

"Die instantly." Is the answer.


She examines Hajime. "You're injured in several places. You need proper treatment. I'll take care of it. They wish you both to be in the best condition. I'll have to go get medicine from B5. Nagito, you'll accompany me."

"Huh?!" We exclaim in unison.

"Do you wish to feel better you two?" She asks, "This is what I'm supposed to do first. I will not hurt you...yet."

I glance at Hajime. "We should listen to her," I suggest, "it's our best option."

He growls. "I don't want you alone with her without a weapon at least." He tells me.

"If it would make your boyfriend feel better, you may borrow a knife." Mukuro chimes in. Hajime gives her a suspicious look.

"It would."

"Wait here." She commands calmly before disappearing.

"I don't like this," Hajime admits, "I feel like she's setting us up for a trap."

"Have you seen how strong and powerful she is? If we don't obey we'll die without a fight." I point out.

"Is that what you deduced with your brains we should do? Very well, I trust you, Ko." He sighs.

"Last time you said that I shot you." I mutter under my breath.

Mukuro returns a moment later, gun now slung over her shoulder, twirling a long thick knife between her fingers. She offers it to me and I carefully except it.

"And if you'd care to follow me, Hajime, I'll take you to the medical station." She says. Hajime turns to me and I give him an encouraging nod. With a sigh, he follows Mukuro further down the hall, leaving me to wait for her.

A few moments later, Mukuro returns, looking quite bored and tired. "Shall we go, then?"

"How exactly do we get all the way back down there? And why B5?" I ask. She tucks a strand of hair out of her eye.

"Kamakura has a variety of medicines in his collection. The best selection in this entire building. I'll be able to get exactly what I need." She explains.

"And how do we get down there?"

She rolls her eyes at me. "You're dumber than I thought. An elevator, what else could we take?"

She turns away and starts back down the hall, gesturing for me to follow. I follow, trailing a few feet behind her as we walk.

"Do you mean we'll walk through each floor until we get back to the bottom?" I wonder. She shakes her head.

"Of course. Chiaki programmed it so they only move between two floors." She answers.

Eventually we arrive in front of an elevator. She pushes the button and we board. The elevator lurches into motion, descending further back into the underground.

Mukuro stands rigid and straight while I slink against the wall, feeling kind of sheepish about my bad posture.

We ride in silence.

It takes a while but eventually we arrive at the B4 elevator, still silent. She gestures for me to enter first and we descend to B5.

The doors soon open and we have arrived.

Okay but are we not going to talk about Mukuro calling Hajime Nagito's boyfriend and Hajime being like 'yeah, anyways-'

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