B3 Part Two

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      "Ready?" I mutter. Hajime nods.

   "Hajime, I'll be waiting!~" Chiaki coos before the screen shuts off. Hajime grabs my wrist and we pass through the door. 

   A long hallway with blue walls stretches on ahead of us. On each side are three doors and at the very end there are large wooden double-doors. It's seven doors total, then. The doors on the left are labelled one through three and the ones on the right are labelled in a language I don't know.  The double-doors at the end have no labels. 

   Hajime sighs. "I'm guessing the numbered doors are the so-called 'Death Games?'" He assumes. I nod in agreement. 

   "What should we do first?" I ask. He glares it me.

   "You're the brains, stupid!" He grunts. I nod slowly.

   "Okay. We should split up and look around. We'll stay away from the numbered doors for now. I'll go check the first two doors. You check the last door and the double doors. Is that alright?" I decide. He shrugs.

   "Whatever works," He starts walking away from me, "If you get killed or something, let me know."

   "Ah, how will I talk to you if I'm dead?" I wonder. He glares at me.

   "Shut up."

   Hajime tests the knob to the first room and enters it. With a heavy sigh I turn away and open the first door.

   It's a small room with a wooden table in the middle scattered with multiple files. The walls are lined with shelves filled with hundreds of random books of all shapes and sizes. 

   I carefully shut the door behind me, approaching the table. I start flipping through the files, keeping an eye out for anything interesting. Suddenly I see a picture labeled 'HANAKO HINATA.' Ah, that's the same last name as Hajime, maybe they're related?

   She's smiling slightly, standing on what appears to be a farm. She has red and green eyes very similar to Hajime's, the red one blacked. She's missing a few teeth, indicating she was around six or seven when the picture was taken. She has the same mocha-colored hair as Hajime as well. Maybe Hajime has a sister..? I'll ask him about it later.

   Directly under the picture of Hanako is another photo labelled 'NAGITO KOMAEDA.'  Is that...me when I was a child?!

   It appears to be me around the age of seven. I look...quite depressed in the photo if I do say so myself. I'm curled up on the floor against the wall with a couple tears streaming down my porcelain pale cheeks. 

   How did they get this picture of me? 

   Discarding the photo, I let it flutter to the floor without a second glance. I begin riffling through the papers once again. This time I come up with two new pictures paper-clipped together. One is a picture of me around age fourteen and some boy around the same age.

   Mine is labelled 'NAGITO KOMAEDA' like the last one but the boy is labelled 'H̶A̶N̶A̶K̶O̶ HAJIME HINATA.'

   Huh? Is that Hajime as a younger boy? Heheh..., he's cute. 

   Wait-why does this weird place have pictures of us?! Have we...been being watched since we were young?! But...why?!

   I'll have to see what Hajime thinks. 

   I riffle through the files once more, keeping an eye for anything interesting. All I come across are either random legal documents or things in another language I don't know. I look around idly at the books but there's nothing worth mentioning. 

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