B5 Part One

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   (come on shake your body baby do the conga I know you can't control yourself any longer)

   I step off the elevator, trying to summon some courage. This may be a situation most peculiar but as long as I have hope I'll get through this just fine.

   The elevator slams shut behind me as I begin my journey down this new hall. It's so...elegant and regal. 

   The floor under my feet is covered in some sort of fancy red carpet and the walls are lined from top to bottom in pale blue wall paper. The chandeliers overhead have very dim lighting so I can't see that far ahead of me.

   I have yet to see a door; so I guess I have to down this hall a little longer.

   "Excuse me."

   A sudden voice behind me makes me jump and release a tiny yelp. I turn around to get a look at the owner of the voice. 

   Standing in front of me with a sleek black suit and a mask covering half of his face, was a tall man. He had long, wavy black hair down to his ankles and piercing red eyes. 

   He looks familiar to me, like someone I used to know, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Ah well, probably just some random person I met in a grocery store or something.

   "Ah-ahaha, hello there," I laugh nervously, "are you going to try to kill me too?" The man sighs.

   "I see you've met Hin-the Floormaster of B6. Remain calm, I will not attack you so suddenly and savagely." He responds, sounding quite unimpressed with me.

   "Oh. Well, in that case, I'm Nagito Komaeda. Pleasure to meet you!" I stick out my hand but he bats it away. 

   "I already know your name nor am I interested in it."

   "Ah...sorry. Will you tell me yours?" I ask politely. 

   "I'm afraid I will not reveal that at this time. Then, shall we locate the way out of here?" The black-haired man suggests, brushing past him, continuing down the hall. Confused, I hurry to match his long strides.

   "Were you trapped here too? How much do you remember? All I remember since waking up here is that I was here at the hospital for counselling. I saw people die, I believe, but I can't remember anything else. I have no idea what's going on with these levels and such-"

   The masked man doesn't show much interest in my ramblings but he does cock an eyebrow when I begin talking about my memory loss. 

   "Is that really all you remember? No wonder your eyes are so full of hope. All I've been searching for are dull eyes drowning in despair. I'm certain you had those before. I strongly desire to see such feats again." He muses.


   The man suddenly grabs my wrist and begins yanking me in the opposite direction, changing course. "Huh-where are we going?"

   "I believe the exit is this way, actually." Is all he says in reply. 


   I nearly trip over my own two feet, struggling to keep up with the man's fast pace. The wind blows his hair strands back, nearly smacking me in the face.

   We round a corner and come into a stop in front of a thick metal door. "Forgive me, I just wanted to check one thing in here before we go." He murmured, reaching for the doorknob. I shrug, nonchalant.

   "Whatever you need!" I reply immediately, trying to sound cheerful. He twists the knob and pushes the door open. 

   This room is the first room I've seen today that actually looks like it belongs in a hospital. There are tables all around the room littered with small boxes and surgical instruments. There's a door in the back that must lead to another room. And in the center of the room, a gurney.

   "Did you check the thing?" I ask the black-haired stranger. 

   "Hmm...it's not here. Komaeda, could you do me a quick favor?" He requests. I cock my head curiously.

   "I cannot find the mask I'm looking for-go in the back room and look for a magenta-colored mask, please?"

   I nod eagerly. "Of course, whatever you need!" I chirp in reply. I spin on the balls of my feet and go to the back room. I get it open with little trouble and take a look around the room.

   Nothing much in here either. There's two desks and several filing cabinets, nothing that really are that interesting. 

   I begin to rummage through a bunch of drawers, trying to locate this alleged magenta mask. Finally, when I was about to give out, something dark-pink catches me from the corner of my eye. It's coming from under a few old patient files.

   I give it a tug, and produce the mask I've been sent to look for! My new friend will be so pleased...

   I practically skip out of the room, running back to the masked man. He naturally turns at the sound of my voice, looking at me curiously. I push the mask into his hands with a proud smile.

   "Here you go!" I announce proudly. 

   "I see. Thank you. Tell me, you truly recall nothing else?" He confirms with me. I shrug helplessly.

   "Not a clue. It's really a miracle I've come this far already, and maybe a bit of luck!" I answer cheerfully. 

   "...Understood. I am going to switch my mask now."

   He slowly removes his current one from his face with a heavy sigh. I watch curiously, excited to see his whole face. 

   Deep crimson eyes, free from being trapped within the confides of a mask meet mine. I take in his entire tan face and suck in a startled breath.

   "Izuru Kamakura." I gasp before my world goes black.

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