B6 Part Two

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   His eyes are full of hatred and are swirling with the utmost despair. Never in my life have I seen a person so far from hope...

I shy away from his ferocious stare, trying to mask my fear and panic, laughing nervously.

"Ah, I greatly apologize for disturbing you but if you could perhaps not kill me I would greatly appreciate it!" I squeak, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. My knees continue to knock together in perfect rhythm as my teeth begin to chatter slightly.

He brings his weapon down upon me with a great force but I just barely manage to scramble out of harm's way in time.

"Ah...so you've settled on killing me, huh?"

"Oh, what's the matter? Losing hope?," He taunts, "Think you can escape still? Ha! Hey, come on come on, beg for your life!"

His giggling is so...disturbing. So hopeless...

I extend my palms towards him.

"H-Hey! Hold on! Let's...Let's just talk about it!" I plead desperately.

"Hehe...yes, that's it! Surrender to despair! Cry, scream, and beg me for your life!"

I've...I've got to get out of here!

I shove past him before he can react, sprinting towards the door on the other side of the room.

"What's this? A chase? Oh, how fun!~" The sweet voice behind me sings as a second pair of feet fall into sync ways behind mine. I push myself harder, picking up the pace the most I can, struggling for breath.

Up ahead I find there are two different halls I can pick from for my escape. I cast a quick glance over my shoulder; that killer hasn't seemed to catch up to me yet but he certainly will any second now.

I decide on the left hallway, running yet again. I don't allow myself to stop until I reach a single heavy-looking door at the very end. I double over the second I come to a stop, struggling to inhale the slightest gasp of air. I'm not athletic in the slightest, as you can tell quite easily.

I look down the hall, vision slightly askew, watching for any signs of that killer....with his badass scythe and hypnotizing mismatched eyes...

I wait a whole minute in full suspense to see if he's going to come across me again. After a long moment of silence, I determine he must have gone down the other hallway.


I've got to get out of here before he finds me again.

I jostle the doorknob. Ah, it's locked...dammit! This turned out to be a dead end. I have to go back down there, seriously, are you fucking kidding me?! What-What if he's waiting for me right back at where the path splits?! Or...if I take too long getting out of here and he ends up coming down here; I'll have nowhere to escape to. So I suppose the best option for me right now is to double back, correct?

With a shaky sigh, I tug my white shawl further over my chest, and set back down the hall; watching and listening for any signs of that killer. I glance around cautiously; there's no signs of him being nearby.

Reaching the end, I this time choose to wander down the hall on the right-hand side, paranoid the entire way he will jump out at me any second.

Dammit, where is the way out of here?!

This is insane! Why am I even here after all?! I just want to go home and see my parents, is that really so much to ask?!

I wander down the remainder of the hallway, rounding every twist and turn with much caution. I finally reach the end of the hall, and there, about fifty feet away is an elevator! I'm saved!

I begin to move towards it eagerly but before I can a sinister voice calls out to me.

"Oi, where do you think you're going?"

I slowly angle my body to face behind me, knees knocking once again. And there, with a bored expression on his face, was the dangerous brunet. He's leaning against the wall, looking quite blasé, scythe slung casually over his shoulder.

The brunet sighs, shaking his head slightly.

"When will you learn you're not leaving here alive?" He chides, pushing himself off the wall. He adjusts his weapon and begins approaching me once more.

I don't hesitate this time. I spin on my heel and sprint down the hall, the killer hot on my trail.My body practically slams against the elevator doors, frantically slamming it's button for the doors to open, shooting a nervous glance over my shoulders. He'll be upon me once more any second!

The doors open suddenly and I tumble inside, pretty much face-planting on the elevator floor. I scramble to my feet in an instant, slamming my hand against the inside button, frantically muttering "close, close, close..!"

I'm hitting it so hard I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up leaving a mark in the shape of said button on the palm of my hand.

Just as the murderous fiend lunges, the doors slam shut and the compartment lurches into motion.

I hunch over, gasping for air.

I don't know what anyone else would think, but that guy is scary as heck. Why did he want to kill me so bad?

I lean back against the elevator wall, slumping down until I'm sitting on the dusty floor, curling my knees into my chest.

Seriously though, why am I here? Why me?

...Ah. This is just some more of my bad luck, huh? Surely for something this horrid some amazingly good luck will come to me after this is over, no? ...Yeah, that's definitely what will happen.

The mechanical box shudders to a stop and the doors split apart, revealing the next floor.

I stand up, ready to face whatever will be waiting for me here. 

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