B5 Part Three/B4 Part One

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(I'm sure y'all noticed Hinata is kinda ooc rn but just you wait)

   I turn away from my new (friend? Partner?) and venture back down the hall. My task is to find an elevator control room and get the elevator working but first I should search Kamakura's body like Hajime suggested. 

   I stuff my hands in my pockets, slinking my shoulders slightly as I make my way back to the surgery room. And there, right where I left him, is the body of Izuru Kamakura. 

   I shiver slightly as I stare at him. It's just so hard to believe that the Kamakura Izuru is finally dead. And Hajime made it look so simple and easy! Why couldn't I have done that so long ago..?

   I carefully kneel down in front of him, watching that I don't dirty my pants with blood. I gently reach into his coat pockets and feel around. By some luck I find a card key. This must be something. I should show it to Hajime immediately.

   But first...I really should see if there's anything else interesting on his person.

   I pat him down carefully but come up with nothing. How unfortunate. 

   I pull myself back to my feet, tucking the blank keycard in my pants' pocket. I take one last glance around the room before departing.

    'Goodbye Kamakura Izuru,' I think bitterly, 'I don't believe I'll miss you at all.'

   I hurry down the hall, re-tracking mine and Hajime's footsteps. I re-round the corner and find Hajime glaring at the elevator doors as he leans against the wall. He sniffs upon seeing me.

   "Did you find anything?" He asks first and foremost. I dig into my pocket and hold the the key card after him.

   "I found this keycard on Kamakura's person. Is there a place we can use it on?" I wonder. Hajime furrows his brow.

   "While you were gone I've search the entire door and the wall. There's no slots or keyholes or anything at all," He informs me, "this just confirms there must be an elevator control room on this floor somewhere." 

   "And you want me to find it?" I assume immediately. He grins.

   "I'm not dead-weight," He chuckles in response, "I'll do that part. Wait here, and see if my actions do anything."

   He swipes the keycard from my outstretched palm and stalks back down the hall. He leaves his scythe behind, leaning beside the elevator doors.

   I sit on the floor. I guess I'll just wait and see if Hinata can figure it out. 


   Hajime returns a few minutes later, a proud expression on his face. "I found some sort of mechanical room. I fiddled with the buttons. Get up, try it now!" He announces. 

   I obediently leap to my feet and hurry to press the button as Hajime snatches his weapon back. To our delight, the doors slide open, revealing the mechanical box within.

   Hajime smiles at me. "Shall we?" He asks, gesturing to the interior. I nod.

   "Let's go." I agree.

   I step onto the elevator first, Hajime following close behind. The doors slam shut and the box lurches into motion, making the B5 Floormaster look a little nauseous. 

   We ride in silence for a moment, the entire time awkward. Perhaps I should strike up a conversation with him...?

   "Say, Hinata..." I begin, earning a questioning look, "you're a Floormaster here, correct? Then do you know anything about the other floors?"

   The brunet shrugs helplessly. "I have no idea what's going on on the other floors." He replies, shutting his eyes.

   "But you knew Kamakura." I persist. He sighs.

   "I didn't remember him until I saw him, Ko. I was after you, after all." He murmurs, leaning against the wall. I shiver a little.

   "Are you tired, Hajime?" I wonder. He shifts slightly. 

   "Fine. Just haven't been getting enough sleep lately. No big deal." He responds. 

   Hajime is clearly not fine. I don't know what awaits us on these coming floors but it's probably best we're both well-rested and ready for it.

   "Once we arrive, I think you should take a nap here on the elevator before we proceed. I'll keep watch." I offer. He frowns at me.


   "Sure. You need rest. Besides, you're the fighter here, right? I need you in tip-top shape." I laugh nervously. 

   He stares at me for a moment, expression unreadable. Finally, he says;

   "Sure. Just for a little bit." He allows. I smile at him.


   The elevator shivers to a stop as usual and the doors split apart. 


   Hajime lets out a soft groan before sitting on the ground, legs outstretched, back against the wall. "Remember to wake me up the second you see something strange." He mutters before passing out like a light.

   Not really knowing what else to do, I gingerly sit myself next to him, staring over at his sleeping face. He looks far more peaceful now than the carefree psycho killer (qu'est ce-que cest ahahaha) from earlier as he snores ever-so-softly. 

   It's...kind of cute, in a way, aha. 

   Suddenly, he slumps sideways, head crashing into the crook of my neck. My face immediately heats up as Hajime unconsciously snuggles into me.

   Ah...Hajime really shouldn't taint himself by resting on scum like me. Yet...it would be even worse if I woke the poor, tired boy up, right? Maybe even kill me prematurely. Not that I would really object to that of course. 

   His clothes, now that I can inspect them closer, look all dirty and worn out. When was the last time he got a chance to wash them, I wonder? And his hair is kind of greasy. When was the last time he got a chance to wash himself..?

   More and more questions continue to come to me as I continue to stare down at Hajime. He seems like the kind of boy with a tragic past, an interesting history. 

   I...the only thing I really know about him is his name is Hajime Hinata (if he gave his real name) and he enjoys killing. There's so much more I want to ask him.

   Maybe I can ask him once we're out of here, before he kills me. But for now, I wait for him to wake up so we can push onwards. 

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