B2 Part Four/B1 Part One

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   (So much like with '100 Days' I made a playlist for this story too. Basically just songs that either remind me of this fic and/or songs I was listening too while writing. If the link doesn't work it's on Spotify called 'Angels' under the username 'Preppycat.')


   "Mmm...Hajime?" I mumble sleepily.

   "Hmm?" Is the response.

   "You're still going to kill me, right?"

   "Is that what you want?"


   "Then of course, stop worrying."



   "Will it hurt?"

   "...Probably for a second. I can try and make it painless if you want."

   Hajime holds me tighter, snuggling further into my chest. "I'll miss this warmth. I haven't had this good a sleep in years." He mutters. I angle my head to look down at him.

   "Really? Hajime, what was your past like? I mean, if you want to tell me, that is." I ask. 

   "It's probably too dark for a sweet Marshmallow like you. You have enough to deal with as it is."

   Hajime sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Alright, that's enough sleep. Time to leave this dump." He announces. 

   "I don't wanna get up!" I complain. He smirks.

   "If you get up, I'll give you another kiss~" He teases. I sit up.

   He pats my head. "Good Ko." He says, kissing my cheek. I blush slightly.

   He gets off the cot and I turn around to give him some privacy while he dresses. While I wait, my gaze travels to the floor and I gasp.

   The bodies of Izuru and Mukuro are gone.

   "Hajime!" I hiss.


   "They're gone! The bodies are gone!"


   Hajime crosses the room easily to stand beside where I'm sitting. He crouches, examining the two still-fresh bloodstains on the floor. "What, do you think they're alive? I killed Kamukara twice, it's impossible for him to live through all of those injuries. And Mukuro? I slashed her throat too deep, she's not surviving."

   "Then where did the bodies go?" I wonder, swinging my feet over the edge of the cot. He frowns.

   "No idea."

   I gasp. "Do you think...someone came in here while we were asleep?!" I whisper, horrified. He gives me a skeptical look. 


   "Maybe...the Mastermind?" I suggest. He grits his teeth.

   "Sleeping was a dumb idea, I should've never left you unprotected." He mutters, pushing himself back on his feet. Luckily, whoever was in here didn't take Hajime's scythe, although all the knives were missing. Not like I really knew how to wield them anyway.

   "Are we leaving?" I ask. He nods.

   "Yeah. I'm ready to leave this hellhole. Aren't you?" He smiles at me. I smile back.

   "Yeah. We're most certainly getting out of here." I agree. He giggles.

   "That hopeful expression of yours makes me want to slash you right now." He tells me, eyes sparkling good-naturedly. I chuckle. 

   "I'm sure. Savor it now while you can." I reply. 

   "I sure am."

   He extends a hand to me and I take it, allowing myself to get pulled up and off the cot. He begins heading for the door, still not yet releasing my hand.

   Together we move along the military base, keeping our eyes out for the elevator. The dust seems to have cleared a little.

   We walk for a while, in silence, just my hand intertwined with him. How lucky we must be, to have these moments of peace before we go up against the Mastermind. Where else would they be but the top floor? 

   "Your hand feels so rough and dry." I note, glancing down at our hands. He shrugs.

   "Yours is soft and warm." He replies, squeezing.

   "Is that a bad thing?"

   "Nope. I think it's nice." He grins. 

   "Hajime, forgive me for saying so if this troubles you, but, you seem to have changed so much since we first met! You're actually so much more friendlier and smarter and sweeter than your initial first impression." I tell him. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

   "You think so? You must've been rubbing off on me." He responds. I shrug helplessly.

   "Maybe. You're still badass, so don't worry, Hajime." I assure him.

   "No shit."

   I chuckle. 

   Eventually we come to a stop in front of the elevator. I reach out with my free hand to push the button and the elevator opens. We board together and the elevator doors shut. I nearly stumble as the elevator starts moving.

   "Are you nervous?" Hajime asks me, tilting his head slightly.

   "I'm always nervous, Hajime." I answer. He rolls his eyes at me.

   "No, I mean are you nervous to go up against the Mastermind?" He clarifies. I blink.

   "Ah. I suppose so. This is clearly a dangerous person. They organized this entire sadistic death building, we've nearly died several times, they've been stalking us for years, who knows what they're capable of!" I explain. He nods in agreement.

   "Understandable. But we got past all the other floor masters, some even more than us. This is just one more we've got to deal with, it shouldn't be too hard." He assures me. I huff. "Just think, Ko...Perhaps in just an hour or two we can finally be outta here. Isn't that exciting?"

   "It certainly is," I agree, "and all we've got to do is survive one more floor!"

   The elevator skitters to a stop and the doors split apart.


   Stretching ahead of us is a long, long hall with plain grey walls and a dusty white floor. I can't quite see what's far up ahead.

   Hajime lets go of my hand, going on ahead of me. I don't hesitate to follow behind, ignoring the now-familiar sound of the elevator doors shutting behind us.

   "This place is so plain..," Hajime mutters, "it's freaking me out."

   "Perhaps it's to throw us off as to what's coming ahead?" I suggest. He shrugs. 

   "Whatever's up ahead, it's gonna get slashed." He says simply, ending this particular conversation. 

   After a bit more time spent walking, we come across an aqua-colored door. 

   "What do you think is beyond here, Ko?" Hajime asks. I shrug.

   "Honestly, Hajime, I have no idea."

   "Then we should go find out."


   Hajime reaches for the doorknob and twists. It's unlocked. Hajime pushes open the door and we step through the door frame. 

   Standing with her back to us, is a figure. She's not too tall but not too short either with a nice figure.

   "Nice of you guys to make it!" She chirps.

    Flipping her long hair over her shoulders, she turns around to face us.

   "Allow me to properly introduce myself..."

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