B4 Part Two

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(The last chapter was written so poorly I'm sorry aaahhh)

   My gaze wanders out to the hall looming ahead of us. The real trial starts now. 

   Neither of us know what's going to happen from here on out. With Hinata's floor, we were good, because, well, it was Hinata's floor. With...Kamakura's floor Hinata was in the right place at the right time because he'd figured out what was up.

   But here? We don't know anything about B4. 

   Calm down, calm down, all we need to find is the elevator, Nagito. 

   I hear a soft groan beside me as Hajime stirs. He sits up, scratching his head wearily. "Ko?" He grunts. I smile cheerfully at him.

   "Morning, Hajime!" I chirp. 

   "How long was I asleep?" He mumbles.

   "Not long," I assure him, "maybe an hour? Are you ready? I'm getting you out of this place."

   "You just want to die." He mutters in response, climbing to his feet. I immediately spring up next to him. 

    "I should, that's all. But I made a commitment to you first. Shall we go?"

   He grabs his scythe off the floor, slinging it over his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm ready to kill another floor master!" He grins. 

   Hehe, cute. 

   "You probably don't actually need to kill them, we just need to get past him." I point out. He waves me off.

   "I won't be satisfied unless I do, Ko." He sighs. I shrug.

   "Whatever you wish! I'm here to serve you!" I reply.

   "You're kinda annoying, you know that Ko?"

 We walk together to the edge of the box and step off. Like the last couple of times it slams shut the second we do as we survey the new floor. 

  The wallpaper is checkered black and white, the floor bright white as well. 

   "This place is giving me the creeps." Hajime mutters as we start walking down the hall.

   "I'm sure it'll be fine." I automatically promise him. He shivers violently.

   "Shut up."

   We walk in silence for a few moments before the lights suddenly go out.

   "Huh?" I gasp. Hajime grabs my arm and throws me behind him, weapon ready.

    'He's ready to defend me.'

   "What's going on here?!" He growls. 

   "Neeheehee, welcome, my lovely little playthings~"

   Someone is speaking over the speakers. But from where? 

   "Playthings?!" Hajime hisses, disgusted. 

   "I'm so glad you came to participate in my Funhouse of Horrors! Where your deaths are our guarantee!"

   "What's going on here?" I murmur. 

   "What kind of a sick joke is this?! Show your stupid face!" Hajime snarls.

   "Calm down." I whisper.

   "Don't tell me what to do." He mutters. 

   Suddenly, several spotlights shine down from the ceiling as smoke begins to flow in through the vents. By the time the fog clears a short guy is standing proud a few feet in front of us.

   He has long purple spikey hair and vibrant purple eyes. He's wearing a white button-up outfit with a checkered scarf and a long dark bluish-purple cloak. He brushes his hair out of his eyes and smirks at us.

   "So glad you came to visit! I've been waiting oh so desperately! I wanted someone to try out my new game! I'm very proud of it!" He squeals excitedly.

   "Oi, why don't you come over here so I can gut you like a scarecrow." Hajime sneers. 

   "Wahh, so mean, Hajime! Perhaps I'll make you into a scarecrow instead~  Anyways, as I was saying, WELCOME TO KOKICHI'S MURDEROUS FUNHOUSE!"

   "Funhouse?" I mutter. 

   "Be quiet, Ko, dammit." 

   "Do you want to hear the rules or not," Kokichi grumbles, tapping his foot impatiently, "as I was saying, there's a series of traps and challenges all throughout this floor! Overcome them all and defeat the final boss to proceed to the next floor!"

   "That's bullshit! I'm not doing your dumb game, I'm ending this now." Hajime hisses, approaching Kokichi. But before he can, a huge log held up by two separate thick ropes swings down from the ceiling and nails Hajime in the abdomen, sending him flying. 

   "Ooohhh!" He groans loudly, clutching his gut. 

   "Hajime!" I squeak, rushing to his side. 

   "Neeheehee, now you see what happens when you don't obey me? Oh, I forgot to mention there's a time limit! If you don't reach what I'm calling the 'Final Dead Room' within the next ninety minutes I'm gassing the entire floor! You won't even have a prayer!" He giggles cheerfully. 

   I'm speechless as my gaze continuously shifts between Hajime and him. 

   "Well, I'll be starting the timer now! Good luck, my lovelies!~" He says, disappearing. My eyes focus on Hajime.

   "Are you alright? Were you seriously injured?" I demand anxiously. He lets out another groan.

   "There's no time to deal with that right now. There's a time limit, stupid. I'll check it out once I cut that bastard into one million little pieces." He grumbles, "help me up."

   I get back on my feet and extend my arm to him. "If you're certain..."

   He staggers to his feet. "Retrieve my weapon." He orders. I nod, hurrying to get it off the ground. I thrust it into his hands, fingers curling tightly around the handle.

   "What kind of traps do you think he has laid?" I question. He grunts.

   "Nothing but trouble I'm sure. But, I'm certain you'll figure every one out. Shall we go?"

   I nod determined.

   "I won't let you down. I swear I'll be useful to you, Hajime Hinata. You have my word." I promise, looking straight into his mismatched eyes. He cringes away from me.

   "Ah, don't be weird about it, just say yes like a normal person!" He complains. I bow slightly.

   "Of course. Sorry." 

   "Don't apologize for stupid things, Stupid Ko."

   "Ah, sorry."

   "Whatever. Anyways, shall we get going? The clock is ticking."

   I smile at him.  

   "Got it. Let's go."

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