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   Presenting 'Hajime In The Despair Hall'


  I brush past Ko, slinging my weapon over my shoulder, and entering my chosen hallway. The walls are plum purple and the ground eggshell white. The second I step inside, a wall falls from the entrance, sealing me inside.

   I tense, glancing around rapidly for any signs of danger. I don't trust this at all.

   Suddenly, the lights shut off, plunging me into darkness. A single spotlight pierces through the black, nearly blinding me. I step back, attempting to shield my eyes.

   "Welcome to the Despair Hall, Hajime! It would seem you chose wrong! And now, you're going to suffer for it~"

   Ugh. Bastard. LEAVE ME ALONE!

   "FUCK OFF!" I snarl, "The second I get out of here I'm going to rip your throat out! I'm going to rip your arm off, shove it up your ass, reach down your throat, and shake it!" 

   "Neeheehee, I very much look forward to it. If you can survive, that is! There's no way you survive my fires, my wolves, and my traps! Ta-ta!~"

   He signs off. I huff. 


   Tightening my grip on my scythe, I slowly begin moving down the hall. 

   "Rrrrrr. . ."

   Huh? What was that? Ugh, probably just one of Kokichi's deceptions.

   I keep moving. It's silent for a few moments, dead silent. Maybe-no, definitely too quiet. Something big is coming, isn't it. . .

Just then, several huge compartments in the walls open up all around me. multiple large grey snouts poke out of the wall, glowing yellow eyes companying them. Low growls come from all around me, bright white fangs flashing.

   I do a quick '360', accessing my situation. I'm surrounded by five monstrous wolves. I grin.

   "So that's how it's going to be, huh?" I murmur, lifting my weapon, "very well, bring it on!"

   Two of them lunge at the very same time, claws extended. I jump back, aiming a blow at them as the other three join the fight. I swing angrily at them, as one comes up from behind, knocking me to my feet. It then pins me to the ground, growling in my face as the others surround us.

   I kick up, throwing it off of me. I start swinging wildly, forcing the beasts to stay back. They growl lowly.

   I move as quick as a cat, slashing the throats of the two nearest to me. The force of the slash lands some blood on me, as they fall to the ground with a whimper.

   Great. Two down, three to go.

   "See, that's what happens when you go up against Hajime Hinata!" I taunt.

   They attack. 

   Five swings. Three thumps.

   I let out an exhausted sigh, glancing around at the slashed-up wolf corpses all around me. Ugh. I was lucky it was only five. 

   I shake my weapon, getting some stray drops of blood off of the blade. I then hope over a corpse, continuing my way down the floor. 

   On the floor, are obvious trap triggers. Either this guy is really dumb or he's trying to throw me off to a more invisible trap trigger. 

   I tread carefully over the floor, testing my weight on each tile before stepping on them. 

   Suddenly, the floor a little ways behind me ignites with flames. They roar upwards behind surging forward-when did that gasoline get there!?

   I turn tail and start sprinting away immediately, dodging traps and maneuvering through lasers.

   Up ahead in the distance I hear a voice. . .is that Ko?!

   "Hehe. . .you can kill me." 

   Wait, what?! What is that idiot doing now?! I'm supposed to kill him!

   I push myself even harder, beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

   "Ooh! So quick to betray Hinata! Even after you looked like you two were bonding, such a pity. .  .Ah, just kidding! Anywaysss~ Kneel on the floor!~

   What?? Wait!

   I burst out into the light, finding myself facing a bad scene.

   Ko, kneeling on the floor in front of Kokichi, eyes shut. Kokichi has an evil grin on his face as he points a gun at his head.

   "WAIT!" I scream.

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