B4 Part Four

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   "Don't answer right now, Nagito. Come to the end of the hall so we can speak in person. I'll be waiting~"

   I can die now? No waiting around for no stupid agreement? Well I mean I'm sure Hajime can find his way out of here on his own. He's so smart and capable...

   Aha, Hajime...sorry.


   I cannot keep being alive for longer than I have to. I have no right to life.

   Goodbye, I'm sorry.

   I begin walking at a brisk pace down the hall. How much further does it go on? How much longer does Hajime have to be stuck in the Despair Hall?

   Hopefully he's not suffering or anything...

   There's a light up ahead. Ah, it must be the end of the hallway!

   I begin jogging towards the brightness, excitement growing in my gut, This is it, this is finally it, I get to die!

   I emerge through the doorway and there, leaning against a bright white wall in a bright white room, is Kokichi himself, gun in hand.

   "You sure took your sweet time."

   "Ah, I apologize." I mumble. He rolls his eyes.

   "Whatever. So am I killing you or is my Floor?" He asks impatiently. I smile slightly.

   "Heheh...you can kill me." I respond pleasantly. His eyebrows lift.

   "Ooh! So quick to betray Hinata! Even after you looked like you two were bonding, such a pity...Ah, just kidding! Anywaysss~ Kneel on the floor!~" He commands.

   I obediently fall to my knees in front of him. He grins mischievously, pressing the barrel of the gun to my head. I close my eyes, ready to succumb to death...




("Obstacle Two Cleared")

   I turn my head slightly and gasp. Standing on the other side of the room panting, is Hajime, drenched in blood.

   He glares hard at both of us, stalking across the room.

   "My my, what an interesting plot twist~" Kokichi purrs. Hajime glares down at me.

   "NAGITO! You idiot!" He turns to look at Kokichi, "what's wrong with you?! You want to kill him when he has no hope?! How boring!"

   "Neeheehee, this sure is amusing~" Kokichi muses, briefly retracting his weapon.

   Hajime turns his focus back on me. "And you! We had an agreement! ...ugh...look, there are a lot of people in this building that want to kill you but I'm going to be the one to do it! I swear to Atua!" He growls menacingly.

   I freeze.

   "...To Atua?" I whisper hoarsely.

   "That's right. So don't go getting yourself killed yet!"

   I fall silent, wide-eyed. Kokichi giggles.

   "Ah, are you going to listen to your boyfriend or listen to me? Ahaha, WHO WILL BE THE ONE TO KILL YOU!? CHOOSE! THAT LOSER OR ME?!" The Floormaster cackles.

   My gaze wavers between Hajime and Kokichi.

   "The one who will kill me," I begin, "...Kokichi..."

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