Return To B5/B2 Part Two

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  Everything looks exactly how we left it. The fancy wallpaper, the carpet, the elegant atmosphere in general. The only different is that the dim lights in the chandeliers seem to have brightened since I was last here.

   Mukuro wastes no time stepping off the elevator, making large, confident strides down the hall. She pauses when she realizes I wasn't following her yet, and glares at me over her shoulder.

   "Come." She commands. I jog down the hall, stopping by her side.

   "I saw you on the cameras you were in the surgical room. I assume you can find it yourself?" She sighs. I shrug.

   "Maybe..? I'm certain I could figure it out though." I respond. She purses her lips. 

   "Go ahead there. I have some business to attend to. I'll meet you there in a minute." She tells me. And with that, she departs.

   I wonder where she's going. And why she has to be alone for it? Perhaps I should follow her..? 

   I begin slinking after her, keeping a sizable distance between us so that she doesn't suspect anything. 

   As she struts down the hall, she produces a walkie-talkie and holds it to her ear. "Ikusaba here. All is well according to plan....yes I'm retrieving the package now. I'll rendezvous with the sacrifice momentarily...yes, they'll be delivered safely, you don't need to worry....understood...understood. Signing off."

   After she concludes her conversation, she places her walkie-talkie back where it was originally.

   Strange. Package? Sacrifice? What on earth is she talking about? Was she...talking to the Mastermind? Either way, I should make my way towards the surgical room before Mukuro notices I've been trailing her. 

   I turn away and make my way back down the hall. It takes a little while but eventually I arrive in front of the surgical room. I twist the door knob and push into the room. 

   I'm met with a shock. The body of Kamukara is gone, leaving behind only a large pink splotch. Where did his body go? Did someone come and dispose of it? What even..?



      How long have I been sitting here on this stupid beige cot, staring at the stupid grey wall? This is hopeless, my wound isn't even that bad! There's no reason for me to wait here, let alone receive medicine!

   And why'd she take my Ko?! He's not safe alone with her! I highly doubt he even knows how to wield that knife, it's pointless! 

   I can't just leave him alone with her, I don't trust this, not at all. 

   I'm on my feet in an instant, grabbing my scythe. If he's not returned safely to me in a few minutes, I'm going after them. 

   "Hello Hajime." 

   A voice coming from the doorway makes me whip around. Leaning against the door frame, is Izuru Kamukara. In his hands are two long knives. He switched out his bloody suit for a fresh one and he tied his long hair back in a ponytail. 

  "Kamukara," I hiss, "What are you doing here?! I killed you!" Kamukara snickers.

   "I am not that easily conquered. I know everything there is to know about you and your attack strategies. But that is not important. I have been instructed to kill you personally." He responds. 

   I laugh. "Is that so? You really think you can kill me?! Don't make me laugh! I know everything about your fighting strategy as well; you don't have anything on me!"

   "Then stand, Hajime. Prepare to die."

   I grin. "Is that what you said to yourself in the mirror this morning?" I taunt.

   Izuru lunges.



   "Something wrong, Nagito?"

   The gentle voice of Mukuro from behind makes me jump. I turn around to face her quizzical look. She has some sort of brown package tucked under her arm. 

   "Ah, err, nothing, I was just examining this bloodstain. The floormaster here was killed in this spot here but now his body is gone." I explain, laughing nervously. She nods.

   "I see. Wait here, I'm going to get the medicine, wait here." 

   Mukuro roughly pushes past me on her way towards the back room, slipping through the door. I turn back around, shifting from foot to foot awkwardly. My gaze then travels back down to the large bloodstain on the floor.

   No, something isn't right here. Why isn't his body here? If not here, where is it?

   Not only that, but I have the strangest feeling something isn't right where Hajime's at. Something feels really wrong here...

   I have to get back to Hajime now

   Mukuro emerges a moment later, holding a small plastic bag in her grip. "Mukuro, can we go back now?" I ask, a hint of urgency in my voice. She purses her lips.

   "What's the rush? We'll be back soon, there's no need to hurry." She replies calmly. I raise my eyebrow. 

   Yes, it definitely seems like she's stalling. Something is definitely fishy here. 

   "I...I just want to get the medicine to Hajime as soon as possible. You know, in case he contracts an infection." I lie. 

   "...Understood. We'll head back now, if you wish." She sighs. She then turns and departs from the room, gesturing for me to follow.

   It takes awhile but we soon arrive back at B2. She glances at me. "I need to put this package away and then I'll come back and bring you to your boyfriend."

   Not bothering to wait for a response, she walks away leaving me once again to wait around awkwardly. She returns a moment later, medicine in hand.

   "Thank you for waiting. Now, we'll go see Hajime." She says. Together we travel down the hall, grip on my borrowed knife tightening. We come to a stop in front of a white door. It only takes a second to notice the door is already a jar. 

   I firmly push past her and am met with a horrifying sight.

   Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamukara, locked together in a heated death match.



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